Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Meeting for Memorials 2024

 RantWoman did not have much to say at Meeting for Memorials but again the blog as Quaker journal needs to just hold thoughts from people RantWoman knew at least a little bit.

Anne StGermaine

RantWoman knew Anne only a little bit. She served on Finance Committee for the Friends Committee on WA Public Policy at a time when RantWoman was Recording Clerk.

Asia Alderson Bennett

Too much to say. Some has been said elsewhere.

Carol Riley Urner ???

Nope. No mention of Carol either this year or last year even though she passed away early in 2023. RantWoman went home and looked her up because RantWoman had not seen her either in person or when she logged into the session Zoom just to see what was thre online. The item here is from her son Kirby's blog. RantWoman has more to say but is not clear to say it.

Darita Rose Alden

Judy Matchett

Ward Clarkston

RantWoman here mentions only Friends she knew a little; RantWoman also did not speak at the memorial.

After the memorial, at dinner, RantWoman found herself alone and bursting into tears, partly from the hospice comment the previous night, partly from a sense of wanting to capture the wisdom of some wonderful voices before they too pass on, partly from the things that are just hard about RantWoman's life and all the fraught things that come clattering out of the walls in certainplaces on campus.

RantWoman also made the mistake of opening Twitter before dinner. More separately. Tears were partly rage and fright about, why be hyperbolic, the state of the entire world. More separately; RantWoman is grateful simply that the news of an assassination attempt has settled down into tedious details of screwups with a generous helping of conspiracy theories. Again more separately.

RantWoman thanks the younger Friend who noticed RantWoman's distress, offered help, and persuaded RantWoman to allow him to carry away her dirty dinner dishes.

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