Saturday, July 27, 2024

From exactly two weeks ago: The real meaning of Trump's raised fist gesture

RantWoman initially offered to attempt some humor at the NPYM 2024 Community night.

Then RantWoman opened Twitter before dinner.

Then, not only because of reading Twitter, RantWoman decided she did not feel like telling jokes.

The joke RantWoman was going to make was about bipartisanship: whether we are talking about Bill Clinton, Hunter Biden, or the FORMER p**ssy grabbing President Gropesaurus: can we have bipartisan agreement that we all have TMI about male public figures' genitalia. RantWoman would have left it up to parents to explain the word "genitalia" and would not have used all the other language here.

RantWoman decided, based on the info she had and the level of garbage posts, and some minimal standards of decency not to tell that joke on Saturday.

But here is a video that points out even more psychic dimensions.

And here is another vid  about a comic performance moment.

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