Wednesday, July 3, 2024


How to self-soothe after yesterday's torrents of angst and gnashing of teeth.

RantWoman heard about the #SCOTUS immunity ruling early in the day on the radio. RantWoman had STUFF TO DO and did not even wade into social media until late yesterday and the more today.

RantWoman is both deeply amused and chagrined by the abundance of #OfficialActs that the internet is too happy to authorize from President Biden.

RantWoman is relieved to hear voices pushing back from despair.

Times such as this also require a rant, below the video. Should the reasoning stick???ummmm

I have a complicated reaction to Roberts' line about the President as chief executive being ultimately responsible for the conduct of elections. On one hand, when is enough enough? Does it take 50, 60 80, 200 court cases, many presided over by Trump appointed Judges where OVER AND OVER the rulings were that there was no outcome determinative fraud? The few cases I have heard about are REPUBLICANS, and the fraud issue does not even get at all te barriers the GOP sets up about voting, purging the voter rolls, locations and hours, forcing people to stand in long lines and in hot sun for primaries. So when is enough enough? When do #DonTheCon and the #PartyOfFalsifiedBusinessRecords just need to be forced to accept reality and quit living in delusionland? I have not read briefs or ruling but at some point I figured #FelonDon was going to make an argument about the chief executive role. The Supremes seem not to grasp the states' role in the time and manner of elections and limitations because of that on what the President, especially one running for re-election should try. To put things another way, at what point does executive power cross the line to coup? I want to see that briefed IN SPITE of the ruling about immunity. In fact, #DonTheCon has been talking about elections being rigged since long before teh2016 campaign, in effect playing on public disgruntlement on multiple grounds with elections in the US. Again when does behavior cross the line between free speech and fraud? I actually don't think the fraud issue is clear cut. LOTS of people are dissatisfied with how elections are run, the two- party system, winner take all electoral vote counting, barriers to third party candidates, and of course the torrents of dark money that pour into different races. NO SANE forward-looking diversity valuing person would opt to tackle all these problems by shellacking over these cauldrons of dissent with a virulent and disgusting coat of racism, ethno mationalism, nativism and fascistic jingoism. Well no sane person, but then there is #DonTheCon and his minions, funders... Again, I have not read the ruling, but I am not sure I even care that the Supremes want to exclude issues of motive. I want the DOJ to keep fighting. I see this like the drunk driver who plows into another car and kills a bunch of people. He can tell the police officer he was just going home and did not mean to hit those people. Doesn't matter. The important thing is the EFFECT. Or maybe a property owner neglects maintenance on a commercial building, something catches fire, and the building burns down. LOTS of lawyers make money off negligence cases, and there are civil as well as criminal penalties for fraud. Reframe the whole #J6 case as fraud and negligence outside the scope of his official duties. And what if the 40+ officials from the #FelonDon administration testify that they considered his actions beyond the scope of official duties. Don't the Supremes have to wait for facts to be established before trying to decide what is or is not within the bounds of official acts? Don't the people around a criminal, delusional, demented President ALSO have both rights and duties???? The President, Congress, the military all swear an oath to uphold the Constitution. Considering that both the Cabinet and Congress considered ways to remove someone clearly unfit from office, the President can order all he or she wants, but he cannot order others to violate the Constitution. Mike Pence said his son, who serves in the military, is the person who finally reminded him of his Constitutional duties. The Justice department officials who threatened to resign if #FelonDon appointed the guy who was manifestly incompetent as Attorney General were upholding their oaths. There was a similar moment in the Nixon case. In short, weirdly, I can respect a desire for briefing and continued argument I also think it's a dereliction of duty for a major party to nominate someone who has no intention of upholding his oath of office. AND voters cannot rely on either the courts or a nomination process to save them. We MUST also elect a better Congress.

There. Now RantWoman will resume meditation on another popular lapse in public awareness of the concepts of freedom of religion and religious pluralism. RantWoman is JUST FINE with sacred texts from many faith traditions, not just the Bible in classrooms in OK--or anywhere else. RantWoman however, finds it deeply amusing to contemplate Biblically based story problems in all #STEM classes. .

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