Thursday, March 4, 2021

Saturday Night in Pandemia with The Justice League, daffodils, riots, tear gas, cockroaches and organic food.

Live from... it's SATURDAY NIGHT (technically already Sunday morning but who's counting?) RantWoman is not under the influence of any substances wackier than ice water and slightly glarfy overly saltybut low fat snacks from the (not very accessible but manageable for RantWoman) vending machine in the lobby of RantWoman's building.

RantWoman reminds her readers of her blog as Quaker journal model of blogging. There are several topics not ripe for blogging. RantWoman may or may not get them actually blogged and therefore may or may not at some future date remember what she was talking about. RantWoman encourages readers to do the best you can to find nuggets meaningful to you.

In honor of day 366+1 since RantMom's debate watching buddy died of COVID in her retirement community, RantWoman could be penning meditations about a year of COVID inconveniently. Stay tuned.

In sync with signs of spring and messages in moer than one worship space, RantWoman could be penning meditations about daffodils, cigarette butts or possibly other more biodegradeable material impeding the enjoyment of daffodils, or about releasing oneself from hopes for a better past in conjunction with the word compost, metaphorically for the moment transformation of something smelly and not wanted into fertilizer in the cycles of life.

In honor of a story time and a picture book and seeing or not seeing, crying or not crying RantWoman could let her keyboard clatter over more than one strand of children and "oh, OWWW," oww's it would definitely be preferable to avoid in the future and other owws that no one is going to be able to avoid completely.

In honor of a moment from the book My Grandmother's hands, RantWoman could write about colorism, a grandmother, and the difference between clean pain and dirty pain, the reality of trying not to pass along negativity while equipping fostering resilience.

RantWoman is going to do none of those things. Instead RantWoman is going to permit her inner snark monster to run wild in connection with various #CapitalRiots themes. Where to start?

Did antifa organize the #CapitolRiots, even indirectly? RantWoman is terribly glad that despite some efforts to seed media streams with this lie, many of the #CapitolRiot suspects are proudly standing up and taking responsibility for their work and saying in various terms "How DARE You assign credit for our (cough) brilliant achievements to antifa?

Besides, if antifa had organized events on January 6, there most likely would have been plenty of masks, clouds of weed smoke, bottles of water, street medics, maybe some inspiring drumming, food stands selling edibles and vegan treats, and flocks of helpers with biodegradeable trash bags moving among the crowd collecting waste.

Or would there be? Permit RantWoman to do a little compare and contrast exercise: over the summer, the thankfully former president called in the national guard and dumped tear gas all over peaceful protestors in Lafayette Park, across the street from the White house so that he could look manly and in charge and hold up a Bible in front of a church. On the other hand when insurrectionists violently breach several layers of barriers and swarm the Capitol building, it took over THREE HOURS from the time a request to call out the national guard to when orders were given to deploy. The reason cited for the delay: optics after public outrage over the summer. Come on! Do not try to fly that hard into RantWoman's BS detector. Just don't.

Here RantWoman digresses to a recent Adult Religious Education session where a Friend told amazing stories nonviolent Quaker witness and humanitarian service. This Friend spoke of always trying to do her actions in a spirit of worship. For example, one Vietnam war protest across from the White house involved 300 silent Quakers. President Richard (very lapsed Quaker) Nixon ordered the protestors arrested. One protestor even wrote the judge about how the Quaker testimony on equality meant that mean of those arrested would not stand for the judge in court. The judge accepted this and a campaign organized by AFSC got everyone released in short order.

But Back to the 21st Century. 

Sen. hawly about investigating techniques involvig various cellphohne and cellphone network parameters. Dude read your user agreements. RantWoman is pretty sure ... 

Likewise surveillance technology and facial recognition software. Convenient that the city can't use. Would they except donations from private citizens, freelance volunteers...

White people go to jail?

After all the investigating gets done, how many prison abolitionists are just going to want to Send the Defendants to Jail For a Long Time? 

And if too many white people get sent to jail and start caterwauling about jail amenities such as cockroaches and non-organic food, will there be a groundswell of voices clamoring to upgrade conditions for everyone?

Never mind that. How many of the rioters will have access  to Alternatives to Violence programs and how will AVP facilitators be able to adapt their curriculum...?

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