Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Can Service Pythons get COVID? What about Elijah

 RantWoman is (Check all that apply)

--Observing Holy Week with the custom of leave room for Elijah

--Taking another nip at her involuntary accessibility testing habit.

--Crash landing after an accessibility tour de force, okay not hitting every possible button but PLENTY at the recent virtual session of the FWCC Section of the Americas.

--Terrorizing the technologically reluctant with way too much tortuous detail about the accessibility vexations always besetting her interactions with space, time, and community life?

--Trying to find a spiritual spray can to graffiti in something about, contrary to the proclaimings after a certain survey about disability, "it's NOT only about accessibility because there are things no one can fix, but ya know there have been stampedes of people (NOT) visiting RantWoman's workshops trying to explore themes like spiritual accompaniment." And we will not even discuss spiritually fortifying experiences such as vocational rehabilitation and skills and technologies and accommodation needs that are the same whether we are talking about a volunteer activity or a workplace.

--Offering mass baptism of points that matter to RantWoman about accessibility that when people have to wash their hair or tend to a bad back or stay within the time they want to offer Meeting or... that many hands can carry the work and the world will not blow apart because one person is indisposed for whatever reason. Geez. Ya know there is no Good time to have to deal ... and yet...

--Channeling Gogol (yes, the19th century Russian author, not the search engine) about either The Overcoat or The Nose and meandering around Absurdistan, cluttering her version of Blog as Quaker journal with WAY too many metaphors for people to want to hang around with?

--Seeking acceptable Quakerese translations for "pearls before swine" and  '...eyes to see and ears to hear..." every time one of the offerings from RantWoman's soul falls to the floor of the forest without so much as a whisper of interaction. One exchange sticks in RantWoman's mind: two members of pastoral care committees approached RantWoman about messages they did not find God in, right after two other people spoke of great regard for the messages. It would have been entirely appropriate to say "Friends, have you considered that maybe the messages were not for you and your task was to sit in worship?" Had RantWoman opened her mouth at the time though, there might have been too many pearls before swine.

--Handling with great care some other uncomposted deposits that could still either catch fire or fuel fascinating transformations.

--Ding. Ding. Ding! Trying to step through the process for reserving a seat at the slowly relaunching Meeting for Worship. (Please note there are of course other topics to tend to along this line.)

The reservation process involves a platform called RSVPify. The website flunks RantWoman's default first-pass accessibility test: does it say something about accessibility linked from the homepage? No, but the page is navigable enough for RantWoman to find a bunch of gushy reviews which also say nothing about accessibility. High volumes of gushy marketing text seems to be a hallmark of the site in general and RantWoman is definitely not as into idle grazing with screen reader as when she officially could see or at least could see a lot better than now.

So onward. RantWoman will come back to tests on the PC. Let's just say, after RantWoman had two rotten experiences on the PC, she decided to try on her Android phone. RantWoman got all the way through the process, including lots of text about complying with public health, management of the data collected for contact tracing, and even the checkbox for the required waiver of liability. The Google map takes up too much space at the top of the form on both the phone and the PC, but the visual experience overall with all the limitations of RantWoman's wonky eyeballs was better on the phone.

RantWoman did notice that there is no option for editing the number of people unless one cancels the whole reservation and starts over.

Wait. It's Passover. People leave room for Elijah. Stray relatives, COVID-safe, fully vaccinated, of course, wander into the picture and maybe one would like to add a new person. Again, no edit. Cancel and start over?

RantWoman, the contact tracers are not going to care about Elijah. Or the service python. But try one more time about the PC.

The service python needed to register on the PC with a separate email address. Screen reader navigation was a nightmare. Lots of unlabeled buttons which meant RantWoman had to guess about a number of points. RantWoman did not make it to the waiver of liability checkbox, inconveniently both unlabeled and inoperable withthe screen reader. RantWoman does not think the Service Python got registered because there should have been a confirmation email. But the service python did an email about his reservation being cancelled. Go figure.

The visual experience on the PC was surreal, bad contrast, text getting written over a busy background, things coming and going from view way more erratically than average with what RantWoman calls screen scrolling, moving around to see different parts of a screen not visible on the screen because of how screen magnification handles what is displayed. RantWoman figured out that some of the text on busy background effect had to do with screen magnification: when RantWoman lowered the level of screen magnification, some of the effects went away.

RantWoman, what do you want us to do with this screed? 

Hold it in the Light, ALL of it.

RantWoman is interested in hearing whether others are having the same difficulties. For example, RantWoman could probably replicate some of the PC issues trying the right things within browsers even without the screen magnification software.

RantWoman has a couple database nerd questions she will ask. RantWoman will try to grow enough patience to report the problems to the developers but will probably try to cope with the phone version of the app.

RantWoman, on a different topic, it's Holy Week. Maybe you should try footwashing, like the pastor at RantMom's church does.

Footwashing? How many people would have no idea what that's about.

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