Monday, March 22, 2021

Mark your calendars; Sign up early Social Justice Fund Fundshifting Workshops

 RantWoman should just shut up and post announcements for really cool events. However, this is RantWoman and as long as phone and certain obvious email lists continue to be unavailable to RantWoman, RantWoman is going to permit herself a tirade. The tirade can be found at the bottom of this post. Readers should expect to have to scroll past the initial announcements.

But please, don't let RantWoman's need to have a tirade get in the way of a really great way to engage, copied verbatime from an email.

Hello Fundshifting Friends: We have two new activities to share with you:
  • Giving Plan Thinking: A Social (Justice) Happy Hour--Thursday, April 15th; 5:30-7:00 pm: If you've already participated in an Anti-Racist Giving Workshop, this event is for you! We'll reflect on the successes and challenges of our current giving plans, spend time together updating or completing them, share resources and ideas, and discuss new opportunities for being involved in fundshifting work. To register: go to Giving Plan Thinking     
  • Anti-Racist Giving Workshop--Thursday, March 25th; 5:30-8:00 pm: If you haven't participated in a workshop yet, this is your chance!  In this workshop we will come together to answer the following questions: How do we decide when, where and how much to give? How do our social and racial identities shape our relationships with money and giving?  What does it look like to center the giving of money as part of our anti-racist practice? SJF (Social Justice Fund) and CARW (Coalition of Anti-Racist Whites) have teamed up to present this interactive workshop where we will dig into these questions and begin to build our personal social justice giving plans. To register: Anti Racist Giving

Please share the Workshop flyer with family, friends, and colleagues. And we hope to see you at one of these events.

Liz, on behalf of CARW

CARW = Coalition of Antiracist Whites. Look them up on facebook.

RantWoman's tirade in teh form of queries, SOMEWHAT more subdued than the whirlwind initially blowing up in RantWoman's head:

--Do I have to believe in #AbolishThePolice to find constructive ways to demonstrate that #BlackLivesMatter to me? Look, RantWoman thinks #AbolishThePolice is a good conversation to have steadfastly, but things like the abolition of slavery and women's suffrage both took a lot of talking about to get done.

--Do I need help from something like a resource fair to connect with this or other valuable local projects?

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