Thursday, April 30, 2020

Who in the world is Sara Bridgesong?

Content Warning: this post offers multiple ways to GET REALLY UPSET, both in terms of content and in terms of meandering digressive style. May every reader have the pleasure of finding something to put on their personal Dial-a-Tirade list. Think of the opportunity like a belated Easter Egg Hunt in the age of #CoronaVirus #covid19 #CoronaVirusSeattle !

It was Easter Freaking Sunday and freaky things were happening.

First, a couple blog items RantWoman does not necessarily either fully believe in or fully disbelieve along with some random coronavirus stuff. The random coronavirus stuff probably got pasted here by accident when RantWoman intended to paste it somewhere else. Please hold that problem in the Light, wash your hands, wear your mask, don’t believe anything President Orange Foolius says about bleach and disinfectant, and #StayHealthy. WE now resume our regular programming.

RantWoman meant to find something  sort of charismatic from either Hye Sung  or from Johan Maurer; RantWoman cannot find either item she thought she had bookmarked. Sigh. Dialogue on the basis of theological diversity as promised when one young Friend was admitted to membership will just have to wait.

The random coronavirus stuff

It was Easter Freaking Sunday and Sara Bridgesong came to worship.

God was calling. A personage named Sara Bridgesong responded.

RantWoman reminds readers that people with disabilities are sometimes called to be places they are either explicitly or implicitly not wanted. RantWoman’s leading to attend Meeting for Worship on Easter crystalized at an hour it would have been unseemly to call anyone. Should RantWoman have propitiated…. by calling someone up and saying “Pretty Please, I am called to be present? Or is “I am called to be present” sufficient? Who should we ask, Faith and Practice? The Easter Bunny? The pure discernings of our heart? Some strand of legal tradition?”

Maybe it doesn’t matter because Sara Bridgesong showed up instead and has been asking RantWoman for help chewing over the event. RantWoman means at another juncture and maybe non on her Quaker blog to post specifically about issues in the Zoom chat and sense of the Meeting.

(As an aside, RantWoman finds herself wondering what in the age of Zoom would be the electronic equivalent of RantWoman’s In Real Life (IRL for those into acronyms) practice sometimes of holding meeting for worship with attention to prayer and chatty witness with some kind of physical presence…. RantWoman will keep wondering.)

It was Easter Freaking Sunday and She’s BACK

RantWoman is not up on Biblical accounts of how the Pharisees viewed the resurrection: RantWoman kind of imagines some of them thinking "Oh Crap. He's BACK!" RantWoman does NOT mean to equate herself with Christ or to suggest necessarily that Pharisees are the problem here.

Oh, what the HELL! Go with the Pharisees, and “she’s BACK,” if by Pharisees one means people who only know one set of language, one way of doing things. The problem as RantWoman experiences it: the realities of RantWoman’s life ask lots of people to learn new vocabulary, vocabulary about many forms of accessibility, vocabulary about reasonable accommodations, vocabulary about, in the spirit of single standard of truth concepts that apply both within Meeting and in the broader world. To drill down on just one concept, RantWoman is spending A LOT of time right now interacting with issues of technology and accessibility for all the video conferencing options sweeping the internet, and that includes the life of a certain faith community.

Members of said faith community who WANT a sojourn among key sequences, swipe patterns, browsers, screen reader technologies are cordially invited to come along for the ride. Friends uninterested in this particular carnival ride are invited to recognize that RantWoman is sometimes on this carnival ride and if it seems like she is ignoring you, it is not necessarily that you are boring but more that RantWoman cannot do all that eye contact visual feedback everyone who is sighted craves and RantWoman may be occupied with more than she is sharing in a given conversation.

It would be sufficient to observe that RantWoman yearns for broad understanding of many simple steps that make a difference for her. RantWoman notes that some Friends understand this much better than others; in some cases these Friends are reluctant to speak up. RantWoman is FINE with and even wants to HONOR different capacities as long as two other things are also true: First, the weight of this reality does not fall only on one overloaded person, particularly if said person might be prone to, um, gatekeeping. Second, there is room for people to step aside when something that they personally cannot do is actually necessary and there are people ready to step in. But RantWoman is getting ahead of herself again.

RantWoman does mean to highlight a difference between responding to a Divine Call and “RantWoman is incapable of …,” a comment RantWoman considers ableist and patronizing. Friend, RantWoman is NOT called to try to fit herself into your box. Plus sometimes when one tends to God’s call one is rewarded, actually, with more data than one necessarily wants to collect. Holy Shiiiiiit!

It was Easter Freaking Sunday, the ventilator thread

The world was awash in #CoronaVirus. RantWoman's brain is full, on one hand, of very opinionated voices from people with disabilities saying various versions of "Our lives are really important to us at least. Don't you dare deprioritize us for ventilators." How the heck is RantWoman supposed to walk alongside those points of view? On the other hand, RantWoman also is morbidly curious about accounts both of people surviving the virus and of people who die of it: RantWoman and Little Sister though have both agreed no ventilators. RantWoman will figure out what all to put in writing for herself.

RantWoman of course is not planning to get sick, but RantWoman does not want to be on a ventilator if she does get sick. That does not sound like fun. RantWoman applauds the guts of people who need ventilators to live every day. RantWoman also applauds the guts of people willing to say, why? What are good outcomes? Okay. Holy Crap. Little sister has been in ICU and on a ventilator but only for a couple days. RantWoman is glad Little Sister survived. RantWoman just wants NOT TO HAVE TO DEAL.

It was Easter Freaking Sunday Elijah showed up in someone’s online Seder.

Someone named Sara Bridgesong showed up in the Zoom for a certain Meeting for Worship and part of Meeting for Business at a local Friends Meeting. Sara Bridgesong was mistaken for RantWoman. There is NOT 100% overlap, though Sara was definitely not received any better than RantWoman is right now. But the data. OH THE DATA.

RantWoman did not ask God for one more person, particularly if that person is the clerk, saying in email, in private and in public that Sara Bridgesong “does not have standing to express the wish that the State of Society report specifically include some kind of statement from RantWoman. Or for instance speak in Business meeting of …”  RantWoman finds that phrasing, um, interesting, as in problematic, and problematic enough to think the situation needs more conversation about vocabulary. But hearing it said in public is such a GIANT step in transparency, such a step maybe RantWoman should just pen a thank you letter. In case readers cannot tell, RantWoman respectfully disagrees, in both legal and Quaker terms.

Sara Bridgesong wanted to know about the State of Society report, the long document read near the beginning of Meeting for business. The document as currently conceived goes on at length about releasing a Friend from membership and “a piece of our heart.” The document mentions that is is the first time in our Yearly Meeting. It’s NOT the first time. RantWoman’s Meeting releases people from membership from time to time when someone cleans out the membership rolls and cannot locate people. Anyway, Sara was REALLY clear that especially if it is the first time, careful scrutiny is in order. And even after getting thrown out of the Zoom call, Sara was REALLY insistent. RantWoman appreciates insistent people. She herself also finds them a bit much sometimes.

RantWoman did not ask God for statements from two Friends that sounded, according to Sara Bridgesong’s report, more like contempt than grief. RantWoman would find it particularly tempting to push back hard considering the meeting roles of the two people who seem according to the report to have spoken. Nor did RantWoman ask for statements from two men, Conflict is a Gift of God Friend, and “Leave me off the mailing list for your disabilities items even though I am a committee clerk Friend.” The fact that neither man thinks Meeting needs to talk about disability is exactly why Meeting needs to talk about disability AND Meeting needs to INCLUDE RANTWOMAN, not just expect RantWoman to bless whatever comes out of a certain newly created Ad-hoc committee on disability! So perhaps another thank you letter is in order?

But RantWoman is getting ahead of herself. RantWoman cannot explain how grateful she was to see some familiar faces before Sara Bridgesong took over her keyboard. RantWoman in the recollection will try to make phone contact with a beloved elder she cannot go visit in her retirement community. Beloved elder is suffering from confusion and phone is just hard.

It was Easter Freaking Sunday. Who gets a break and from what?

RantWoman heard one review: "RantWoman we need a break. We asked you to..." RantWoman will try to stifle a tirade: there is no good time for… and RantWoman does not get a break from… RantWoman will shortly be offering a brief survey of many great moments in disability awareness over the last 15 years. In some cases, RantWoman easily finds words of appreciation. In other cases, the great moments of disability awareness boil down to RantWoman saying some version of  "I ask you to" sadly without the words "reasonable accommodations" attached, and the answer coming back "No."


The long-ago conversation with Nominating Committee where nominating committee complained about RantWoman’s well-known capacity for digression and RantWoman filed 3 of the 5 moments identified under something to do with disability.

Previous meeting efforts to think about disability that resulted in reports to business meeting and not one word in minutes either about things to do with blindness or about many legal concepts RantWoman considers important. Most of business meeting was well-pleased and let the matter drop without further instructions. RantWoman attempted to prompt further discussion by email and RantWoman is VERY grateful for one Friend’s acknowledgment much later that maybe that review had missed a thing or two.

multiple events planned without thought of microphones.

A Care and Accountability committee FOR A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY and overflowing with moments of ableism that somehow thought it was not their purview to address disability and over and over turned down RantWoman’s specific requests for clearness committee processes, for better conversations about basic things like documents in alternate formats and software accessibility.

Great moments of pastoral presence and eldering that can be found on this blog with the search terms idiot, couples counseling, or pizza

A continuing need to attend to what gets recorded in minutes and whether minutes everyone else is pleased about do justice to given situations.

Multiple suggestions that the custodians of Meeting for Worship come to meetings involving a lot of blind people so that conversation can be had about annoying blind person behaviors and the elements of business meeting.  RantWoman appreciates two Friends who HAVE come to meetings with a lot of blind people and made topical helpful observations.  That is a start.

RantWoman DEEPLY appreciates evolution over time and even before the dawning of the Age of Zoom about Friends willingness to do the best they can about getting things done by conference call. RantWoman deeply appreciates acknowledgment from more than one direction ---including a recent Zoom event about clerking virtual meetings--that, for blind people, all meetings are essentially conference calls.

Here RantWoman is getting assertive about just saying she is going to be a business process nerd, a particularly salient point when EVERYONE else is also learning their way around the jungles of video conferencing,

RantWoman is also, cough, struck by the evolution of the AdHoc committee on Disability. The committee evolved from a series of conference calls and was ready for several months in 2019 to bring a minute to Meeting for Business creating a committee. The former and current clerks said no for months and months until AFTER the “difficult decision” in October. Really? How is RantWoman supposed to take everyone’s good intentions seriously??? RantWoman is VERY grateful for the time several Friends have invested in bringing this work along. RantWoman is doing the best she can to be optimistic about paths forward.

An eye for an eye, in this case, getting stuck in cycles of frustration, makes the whole world blind. God keeps sending people with disabilities to live in the world and then asking everyone to try to get along. Making more blind people is probably not the best path but right now. But what would be a better path?

Recently RantWoman got to interact with a survey drafted by someone else that clearly includes many elements of previous years emails from RantWoman. RantWoman TRULY appreciates noticing this although some acknowledgement of the emails when they were first sent would not have distressed RantWoman AT ALL.

RantWoman DEEPLY appreciates one Friend’s question about what is working. The question came at a we are running out of time moment and RantWoman is wondering how to untangle the what is working parts from the hard and frustrating parts, but… start there.

Likewise, RantWoman notes several strands of struggling with new vocabulary, new concepts. RantWoman is ALWAYS a fan of people learning new vocabulary. But disability and legal vocabulary is, yes indeed, a tangled brew.

ButRrantwoman you are taking up all our time.

But RantWoman…

But RantWoman, we are not having fun.

No? Neither is RantWoman really.

It was Easter Freaking Sunday. WHO were we in Meeting with

RantWoman has been meditating on identity and different people's expectations of certainty about who they are in the room or on the internet with. (Or standing outside a tomb with?) RantWoman notes that one of the marvels of Zoom is the opportunity to visit far off meetings from the comfort of one's favorite home worship position or to worship with Friends from far away without knowing it. RantWoman will meditate about whether to go a visiting, though when RantWoman has been a first-time visitor a time or two, she has been clearly called to speak.Peculiarly, RantWoman wishes it were the norm for people called to speak to offer their name before speaking.

Truthffully, RantWoman is also a little alarmed at the thought that a visitor might be peppered with the belligerent "Who are you?" that greeted Sara Bridgesong.

RantWoman is imagining a newcomer Sara Bridgesong feeling very uncomfortable hearing the utter contempt with which several speakers spoke of the Friend who has been released from membership.But when the words came, RantWoman realized that she must offer her version of Great Moments of Disability awareness for general consumption.

Then RantWoman imagined the following conversations:

"What kind of name is Sara Bridgesong? Who IS she? Who is she? Who IS she?"

"hmmm, name sounds a little ... Is there some kind of geography here?“

“and why doesn't she get a camera and a mic for her computer??

At this point Sara Bridgesong coughed loudly and exhibited so many signs of audible eyerolling that RantWoman had to stop and offer appreciations for the peculiar ministry of audible eye-rolling offered by a Friend who is not attending right now. Sara grabbed RantWoman’s keyboard, coughed loudly and pecked out “WHY DON’T YOU ASK ME??? I AM RIGHT HERE!”

OOPS! Sorry! How did you find out about this Meeting?

“I truthfully don’t remember. It has been awhile. I just now decided…”


“Look, I cannot talk. It’s a birth defect. It means I do not care about having a mic. I have really sensitive skin so I wear as little clothing as possible, not a happy conversation when there is a camera around. One of these days I mean to figure out an avatar image though.”

“There are lots of Sara’s behind my first name. Sometimes I have an h, sometimes I don’t. Sometimes I mess with people about that.  Sometimes I just let people get it wrong.”

B-b-but, your last name?

“Grad School. Language student mistranslation literalism. Leningrad / St. Petersburg. There are lots of drawbridges. They come up at night to let shipping traffic through. They have loud horns when the bridge is about to come apart. In the late spring, when the days are VERY long, grad students take the Metro to the stop closest to the nearest bridge and “watch the bridges get divorced”..I looked on the internet and your Meeting has a great drawbridge. I think it “gets divorced” sometimes during Meeting for Worship, and I imagine the sounds of the horns before the bridge is raised. But the bridge has to come back together so lots of people can go home, right? I have a broad idea of songs anyway.”

“Ohhhh. Well there are other bridges, but… So what did you think?”
“Did I get you into any trouble?”

“You did not get me into any trouble I am not perfectly capable of getting my self into.”

“Oh man. Somebody on Twitter was talking about how the #StayHome orders are stressing lots of people out. To the point that “unsafe at any speed” sounds on point. Only their idea of ‘unsafe at any speed is your or my idea of, I dunno, Tuesday.”

“Sounds about right. Are you coming back?”

“Where is that service python of yours? Is he available to help?”

“use your search bar and ask. There might be more than enough to say just about service DOGS.”

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