Friday, May 1, 2020

Stumbling into...invitation to propose and Interest group--at Quarterly Meeting

The entire meditation below clattered off RantWoman's keyboard before it occurred to her to check with the people planning Quarterly Meeting about schedule for interest groups. It turned out, the invitation to propose an interest group is an artifact left over from when the form is used for Annual Session registration. RantWoman may recycle her thoughts, but RantWoman is posting these thoughts here partly because they are one thread so far NOT getting clear attention from the AdHoc Committee on Disabilities. Will RantWoman refine and resubmit the idea for Annual Session? STAY TUNED.

RantWoman stumbled into the thought of offering an Interest Group at the forthcoming online gathering of Pacific Northwest Quarterly Meeting. Friends fascinated by RantWoman's mental meanderings in the process of discerning whether to make the offer can skip down to the heading Discernment

The Short Version of RantWoman's proposal.

Meeting Affiliation: It's Complicated.

Title: Community, Disability, and the words we use for the shared experience

When people talk about disability and sharing the realities of different people's experiences and offers of support, people use a variety of words to describe efforts to be in community. Some examples include



Spiritual Accompaniment

Are friends familiar with these terms?

What does each term mean to you?

Should there be any terms added?

I aspire to find some kind of resource related to each term by Friday and I hope this group will give Friends  a place to consider these terms in their own right and as they related to Faith and Practice, Quaker testimonies, or other spiritual teachings you may have encountered.

If you sign up for this group and some specific step would make it easier or more welcoming for you to participate, please email with your concern. I cannot necessarily promise to address everything but will do the best I can.

please use the Raise Hand function. For people dialing in, the Raise Hand function toggles on and off with either *8 or *9, I will find the correct sequence before the interest group.

The longer back story.
That is RantWoman was idly going through the registration when her screen reader focus landed on "Lead an Interest Group. Ummmm, RantWoman has had tolerable success talking to kids of different ages at different gatherings about blindness (THANK YOU Wise Child Wrangler Friend who has multiple times offered important tips.). Things have not gone so well among adults. The last time RantWoman offered to lead an interest group, exactly zero people signed up, so what the heck.

RantWoman WILL post an offering. RantWoman will set a deadline and if no one signs up, RantWoman will be happy to think about someone else's interest group.

RantWoman checked the schedule. Leading an interest group will not conflict with Fourth Saturday Worship, also on the horizon.

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