Sunday, May 3, 2020

What RantWOMAN WISHES the State of Society Addressed

To get things started, this article from Friends’ Journal speaks to RantWoman’s condition

RantWoman encourages readers to digest the comments below; RantWoman is unclear about some points on her mind and WILL encourage Friends to come back to the articles above.

The Opening Paragraphs of the March 8 2020 DRAFT State of Society report.

Our Meeting’s collective spirit still reverberates from the impact of a difficult decision that we made in October. After laboring with a Friend’s increasingly disorderly conduct over the course of several years, the Meeting chose to lay down their membership. Three Friends were recorded as standing aside. In order to create the necessary space to heal and to renew our community, the Meeting also approved a minute to restrict this Friend from our campus and activities, with the exception of Memorial Meetings. The minute set forth that this restriction would not be reconsidered before January 2021.

We made the decision with solemnity, and in recognition that an involuntary termination of membership had never before taken place at UFM; nor, to our knowledge, had it taken place in the history of NPYM. This Friend had been a member for over twenty years. Finding a way forward, for many, felt like separating a piece of our heart.

In the months after this momentous decision, we have been able to tend once again to each other and other issues. Many Friends are participating on one or more of eleven Care Committees, and some are on Clearness Committees. We were able to hold a community building retreat in February of the new year, and have planned two workshops on end of life decision making and on setting limits that can be used to manage conflict. Mid-week evening worship was suspended in the fall, but has recently resumed on first and third Wednesdays at 1:00 pm, preceded by a brown-bag lunch.

[Speaking of disability, which readers may not realize yet is a thing, 11 care committees? GOOD THING except care committees frequently involve something to do with disability. So good for folks for involvement but what might be said to speak of weaving that dimension of reality into the fabric of community life? Because why should RantWoman be the sole lightning rod for community discomfort related to disability? RantWOMAN? Disability??? Read on!]

[Speaking of clearness committees, note reference below to one instance of RantWoman and the term Clearness committee. RantWoman tartly notes: when the Care and Accountability committee over and over wanted to complain nebulously on behalf of others, RantWoman repeatedly asked for clearness committees with the individuals concerned. RantWoman truly has no way of knowing which issues are disability related and which issues are something RantWoman really, really MIGHT be able to do something about. Usually, when a person with a disability or really anyone asks for help, the first rule of thumb should be to provide the help asked for. If RantWoman asks for clearness committees, clearness committees should happen as well for RantWoman as they are reported for others here. If that is not the case, it is reasonable to ask why.]

[The last 3 events mentioned above have all been postponed indefinitely due to public health orders in connection with the Corona Virus pandemic. Postponement has nothing to do with whether or not these events are urgently topical!]

RantWoman usually does the best she can to respect the point of view of the Friends who draft the State of Society report. RantWoman also recognizes that it might be better manners to address the Friends who drafted the report directly and to allow them to season an alternative version before plastering her perspective all over the internet. Let’s just say RantWoman is a work in progress on the tact and diplomacy front and the whole circus drama needs to be held in the Light including some facts not known, as far as RantWoman knows, to the drafters of the State of Society.

RantWoman notes the put off further action until January 2021 provision COULD be amended by a subsequent Meeting For Business. RantWoman reiterates that she is called to be faithful to her Light and cannot predict what that might look like; RantWoman also notes a number of practical concerns.. RantWoman is unclear who might be called to suggest this or which actions could be asked for. There are MANY reasonable accommodations requests lurking in this narrative. In a normal workplace, expecting someone to wait a whole year to have reasonable accommodations requests addressed would be unacceptable. RantWoman recognizes that there is a legal thicket involved in this line of thinking. However, if one strives to live by a single standard of truth, working with reasonable accommodations requests in a timely way would seem to be on point.

RantWoman is also sitting with “…finding a way forward…separating a piece of our heart…” RantWoman is finding it hard not just to blurt out: “RantWoman has been trying to tell you things that matter and things that would help for YEARS. RantWoman is sorry you are in pain now, but maybe if Friends took to heart some of RantWoman’s concerns there mighty maybe possibly be a lot less pain going around!”

RantWoman would also like to know whether anyone else besides RantWoman considers the ban on participation in anything but memorials just ghoulish. What about before people die? What about all the people in the community who presumably are not expected to die anytime soon? Do they REALLY want to send out a State of Society report that reads to RantWoman like “Well we got rid of that pesky blind lady and now we are having a much better time?”

RantWoman is acutely aware that she is a challenging presence, RantWoman would not have made it through extremely trying midlife changes without the Meeting community. That is one but definitely not the only reason RantWoman is NOT called to be silent, NOT called to write many imperfections in community life out of the story. RantWoman recognizes that her experiences have caused everyone in the community to collide with important concepts. RantWoman recognizes that these concepts are a considerable strain for some Friends. RantWoman also honors the point that some Friends really just cannot for whatever reason do what is needed in this situation AND RantWoman is heartened that other Friends hardly have to think at all to do what is needed. Think of the problem like the corona virus: some people who get infected are hardly affected at all. Other people who get infected wind up on life support.

Challenging midlife changes? Blind lady? Reasonable accommodations? WHAT?

RantWoman would be absolutely mortified to have this document sent out on her behalf even if the document did not completely erase anything to do with midlife vision loss and disability, the other notes throbbing in the narrative.

Simple comments. Please respect RantWOMAN's pronouns

These paragraphs are about RantWOMAN. Even though RantWoman frequently says pronouns are an essay question and can go on at great pedantic length in several essay question directions, RantWoman reminds Friends that she and her usually work. Here PLEASE respect RantWOMAN’S pronouns. For one thing RantWoman is getting misgendered in public a little too often these days. For another thing, RantWoman needs to leave open the possibility that there is unexamined privilege lurking several places in this narrative.
RantWoman would find it a gift if the State of Society reported that, as RantWoman understands it, 3 people INCLUDING TWO NEWCOMERS were recorded as standing aside.

RantWoman notes STUNNING omission of one of the biggest realities in RantWoman’s life during the interval: About 16 years ago, just as RantWoman was finishing her second term as Recording Clerk, she experienced substantial vision loss related to a hereditary medical condition that had affected her vision for her whole life. RantWoman now recognizes that this reality has been a challenge for her community as well as for herself. RantWoman has assuredly not been the most gracious guide for many different threads of Blindness Tourism and unsolicited sorties to Planet RantWoman. In fact, RantWoman feels horrible about some moments she keeps working at with a therapist. And RantWoman is emphatically NOT called to go away. In fact at a time when lots of people with disabilities are being told, for instance, to get out of the way for other people who might need ventilators, RantWoman is especially touchy about “get out of the way,” never mind her own views about ventilators.

RantWoman STRONGLY recommends that the State of Society report ASKE RANTWOMAN for statement about what has worked and been really meaningful and what has spectacularly not worked about meeting life.
RantWoman would not mind if the State of Society reported that this decision occurred at a Business Meeting where RantWoman was specifically driven out and told she is not welcome. This is only one circumstance compelling RantWoman to use strong language in a number of directions. Friends think they have released RantWoman from Membership. They have NOT released RantWoman from moral obligation to speak. RantWoman tartly notes that people with disabilities are not infrequently called to be present in places where they are either explicitly or implicitly not wanted. RantWoman also notes that the new Faith and Practice provides for Friends to seek assistance from their Quarterly Meeting and RantWoman is doing so. RantWoman is also grateful, finally, to have received links to the online Faith and Practice in a form much more accessible to her—two days after the meeting for Business where RantWoman was released from membership.

Factually Incorrect

This paragraph is also factually incorrect. This may be the first such exercise conducted on the basis of a process outlined in the new North Pacific Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice, but it is not the first time people have been released from membership. This Meeting periodically goes through its membership rolls, attempts to contact people listed as members who have not been seen or heard from for an extended period of time and if there is no response after several attempts removes them as members.
RantWoman notes that one person on RantWoman’s list of blind people in the community was formerly a member and was removed from the rolls in this way. RantWoman has surmised from comments by others about timelines, that this event may have occurred when the now formermember was losing vision and maybe not reading every scrap of print coming in the mail or maybe otherwise difficult to reach.  This Friend frequently says things to strengthen RantWoman’s spine. RantWoman has never asked her about the timing issue but does appreciate that she has returned to Western WA.

Pending Data Dump

RantWoman has a whole blog full of Great Moments in disability awareness which RantWoman is now trying to distill into the most revelatory moments. What works, really? Other moments, RantWoman is, um, a sarcastic bitch who tells too much of the truth and too often summons approximately the interpersonal finesse of a Brillo pad. RantWoman is TRYING, though, to cut down the number of people she scorches with the inner blowtorch.

RantWoman has been trying to talk about ableism and disability for YEARS. RantWoman is thinking now about what she might have done to make a better conversation. RantWoman will supply other moments in a more detail in a separate post. RantWoman is also thinking about years and years of some kinds of activity without any mention in minutes of legal requirements about the issue. RantWoman is aware that is a complicated subject, but for there to be NOTHING is, to RantWoman striking.
 RantWoman thinks she is still supposed to be touched, or something by the Care and Accountability Committee’s efforts. Let’s see, how many flavors of ableism, not counting the part about “we are a care and accountability committee—FOR A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY—but it is not our job to deal with disability or reasonable accommodations requests or …?

--The committee had to be told several times not to schedule meetings where RantWoman’s presence is wanted without consulting RantWoman about availability.

--The committee liked to suggest that RantWoman could go sit during meeting for business in locations physically inaccessible to people RantWoman might want to have sit with her.

--The committee refused to provide RantWoman written notes of what had ostensibly been agreed to so that RantWoman could check for accuracy before information was passed along. Nor did it occur to the committee that the whole community might STILL need to hear from RantWoman IN HER OWN WORDS.

--The C&A committee refused several specific requests to convene clearness committees so that people on whose behalf the committee was ostensibly speaking could be heard first hand and unfiltered.

--The members of the committee ignored the invitation / request as a reasonable accommodation that people who complain about RantWoman in Meetings come to any of several options where they can observe dynamics all blind people deal with and then help RantWoman figure out approaches compatible with Meeting for Business.

--Members of the committee had eyes that glaze over when RantWoman tried to talk about alternative formats or software accessibility or other topics critical to RantWoman’s ability to function. RantWoman knows other people get the issues at least a little better than the Care and Accountability committee so RantWoman’s first inclination would be to release the Care and Accountability Committee with thanks for their efforts and work with others. RantWoman’s second inclination would be to ask Friends just to hold the reality that the Meeting is struggling with issues that vex all kinds of other organizations and people with disabilities. People do not necessarily want to know that their struggles are merely average, not some special zone of mystery, but there can be odd communion and grace in this realization.
RantWoman notes that after the Care and Accountability Committee appointed to “bring RantWoman back into line” or whatever was laid down, RantWoman and others were able to convene a committee to work on a charter specifically about a committee to work on issues related to disability. The clerk at the time month after month turned down RantWoman’s request to bring the matter to Coordinating Committee and then Business Meeting. An Ad-hoc Committee on Disabilities was created only 4 months after RantWoman was released from membership. Even though Nominating Committee usually says it welcomes non-members, the suggestion to list RantWoman’s name as part of the committee has been greeted with howls of distress.

RantWoman has been offered a separate and very unequal opportunity to worship with Friends who expressed willingness in the key business meeting to worship with RantWoman. The separate and unequal involved consideration and rejection of several options involving time, travel, or emotional baggage constraints incompatible with RantWoman's realities. Interestingly, RantWoman felt liberated to discern a leading about worship and worship sharing about prayer. However, when RantWoman has expressed a clear leading to invite others to join this worship through meeting information streams, the clerk has several times decreed "Absolutely Not."

Frankly, RantWoman thinks a State of Society report that addresses some of these points could do a LOT less violence to the truth than what is here!

In Light and Faithfulness


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