Monday, April 13, 2020

Faces Corona Virus Resurrection? Easter Wade in the water

First some nice bluegrass, not the first thing that leaps to mind for Easter, but...

A couple quips to ease into RantWoman’s inexplicable ability to turn every conversation into something about disability, and 2000 words today to boot:

From somewhere in one of RantWoman’s media streams, “Jesus did not come to die; he came to teach us how to live!”

From one of the regulars on the blind Prayer Warriors call, because RantWoman is fascinated by the different ways people talk about God, “I rebuke the coronavirus in the name of Jesus!”

Faces and reflections from the Draft State of Society report

“RantWoman, why the HELL does it mean so much to see the faces of people in your Meeting even if quite a lot of them would really really would rather not see you anywhere near Meeting for Worship?”

God only knows! God only knows…! But ya know, if Sara Bridgesong connects without either mic or video….

Digression available about facial interaction RantWoman has always been bad at in the first place, has of course gotten worse with midlife issues, and what changes for better or worse with different forms of magnification and other assistive technology. And when RantWoman can see her face in much more detail than the average mirror, WTH happened to that face? But in the land of #StayHome ..whatever, even faces attached to people one might conceivably be irritated with are a blessing.

Digression also available about a similar experience for another Friend. RantWoman simultaneously heard Ambassador Thwack grumble, “look Friend, totally honoring your distress for a few weeks of no faces, and we’re coming up on 15 years of greatly reduced faces for another Friend” and found herself wanting to hug the Friend for nailing real distress

But Dial-a-Tirade available still, yet, again: how very nice for all the people who want points for grieving, don’t assume RantWoman cares about anything but coming to memorials, and in the meantime want to send RantWoman off to worship with strangers. Sure, okay, first YOU DON’T have to do all the things some of you seem to be trying to do and RantWoman is growing less and less patient by the day with  people exhausting themselves doing things that are unhelpful and harmful. There are arms and legs and people who easily get important concepts available.

Plus, if  y’all are planning to die off anyway, and you don’t mind continuing to write State of Society reports only about aging and shrinking…, but RantWoman thinks god is bigger than that. RantWoman is thrilled about things due their own post about working age families and even thinking about how something from Meeting relates in that testimony on integrity way to something outside Meeting, like say work life.

Sara Bridgesong?

Who is Sara Bridgesong? Is she a real person? Is she a cutout? Is she another personage in the trail of personages standing in for RantWoman such as Sensible Auntie, Bad Auntie, and Worse Auntie as well as Ambassador Thwack the badly behaved white cane and anger management consultant? And how is it that RantWoman is able to communicate with Sara Bridgesong? RantWoman will neither or confirm nor deny but does thank multiple people for helping to document continuing problems AND things that roil RantWoman’s soul.…

Sara BridgeSong attended Meeting for Worship and part of Meeting for Business yesterday. RantWoman understands that there have been people appointed to vet RantWoman’s presence and RantWoman is glad to hear aspirations toward transparency expressed in a public meeting.  And after multiple emails about timelines, RantWoman became clear to trust her Light.

RantWoman also seasoned a small temper tantrum:  It was Easter-freaking Sunday. The RantFamily survived without any attempt at family dining via internet and there was no way RantWoman was going to try to say Easter things via the chat. But it was Easter Freaking Sunday.

And RantWoman had a further tantrum in email:  There is no good time to have midlife vision loss, a global pandemic, an insane president, lucha libre among the world's billionaires, African Americans everywhere dying of COVID at 2x their percentage of the general population, the current administration trying to shred generations of civil rights laws protecting people with disabilities, people of color….... But here we are.

RantWoman does not get a break from Vision loss. Of COURSE that is uncomfortable and inconvenient for lots of people but it is just as much a part of life as "I need to see my hair stylist" and "my sister
has cancer" and "oh, I am doing all these other things," particularly now when community is needed more than ever. There are various ways to set bad examples about postponing things indefinitely as opposed to process for working things out over time. And the fact that this has gone on for FIFTEEN
years also has a lot to do with a number of spectacular “great moments in disability awareness!”

No camera. No Mic. Faithfully listening.

But back to Sara BridgeSong There are practical realities behind the path to that attendance; Sara Bridgesong, while swimming in technology, is called to be present with the reality that there are many reasons people have technology that is less than up to the second current.  And sometimes there is merit to embracing those limitations, at least long enough to plow into issues on RantWoman’s mind for other reasons anyway.

As sometimes happens, when a call is clear, reasons for the call also become stunningly clear. But one thing at a time. RantWoman notes a concern below about transparency and will offer specific appreciation.

Disability Awareness

We interrupt to bring echoes of the path in the form of a message from a former clerk of Worship and Ministry who asked to be taken off the mailing list when RantWoman decided that pastoral care committees needed a whole month of Disability awareness materials.  Almost a decade later, after that initial great moment in disability sensitivity, that Friend has gone from wanting off a mailing list to just wanting RantWoman out of sight because that Friend somehow knows what is or is not off-topic for the whole community.  RantWoman is seasoning a possible need to use the word retaliation about this and some other voices!

Sara Bridgesong expressed a leading to listen faithfully in spite of technical limitations. RantWoman also tartly points out that live transcription in the chat is sometimes ONE path to accessibility or inclusion for people with hearing loss or brain injury or other reasons to need transcription. Based on one situation RantWoman is painfully aware of, RantWoman is seasoning a leading to offer to provide that transcription or to suggest that the Friend consider the option of requesting help. RantWoman is in fact grateful that, judging by other information, that Friend has in fact requested help for non-electronic contexts.

Transparency and Integrity

 “There is no Sara Bridgesong in the NPYM directory.”
Friend, do you know anyone else who uses an AKA or one name in one context and another in another. Do you follow the discussion among young adult Friends about membership. Can you think of many reasons someone might know of Quakers but not be listed in anyone’s directory, meaning besides releasing RantWoman from membership without being able to release her from moral obligation to speak?

In private chat to Sara Bridgesong, many cries of “Who ARE you?” RantWoman is given to understand that sometimes people are silently present for months before being clear to identify themselves. RantWoman hopes other seekers are greeted in a more welcoming way and not greeted with this suspicious barrage. RantWoman is also seasoning a need to be cross with one Friend who keeps complaining that RantWoman is getting in the way of “real” work on disability.

“In a public meeting, we would be able to look at and identify a person and we believe in transparency…”

Speak for yourself Friend. RantWoman goes to many meetings where she has no idea who all is present.  Think of Sara Bridgesong’s presence as blindness tourism, like a cruise ship without the #CoronaVirus.

As for transparency, THANK YOU SO MUCH for mentioning it. RantWoman is still clear that she cannot sign onto the lovely Worship and Ministry guidelines without making reasonable accommodations requests and some elaboration about process. Conveniently for RantWoman’s fixations, holding meeting for Business by Zoom is the PERFECT opportunity to work on exactly the topics on RantWoman’s mind and MAYBE to reverse refusal RantWoman has heard too many times of a reasonable accommodation request.

Next, in another great moment of astute handling of disability related matters, well you know, could you consider say sharing with RantWoman  all the reports from the Care and Accountability committee because the committee complained that RantWoman’s understandings of agreements was not the same from one month to the next but the committee never provided more than minimal summaries and consistently refused to address disability issues that bear completely on RantWoman’s ability to fulfil any agreement made.  Transparency about the weekly bulletin, monthly meeting minutes, and posting the announcement about Fourth Saturday worship would also look a lot more like transparency to RantWoman. But, you know…. Then there would be addressing the entire issue of separate but unequal worship and the disproportionate transportation burden imposed on RantWoman when she is expected to go worship with near strangers.

And if you want to get carried away, would you consider addressing RantWoman’s issues with separate and unequal worship? RantWoman hears some expectation about “safety” that is not RantWoman’s only experience of worship. Sometimes Friends are convicted in the Quaker sense, not in the criminal sense of important openings during worship. Sometimes something comes up like auditory accessibility for events that is a whole community’s responsibility even when the weight of words initially falls on one set of shoulders, say because of a Friend’s sense of being previously blown off multiple times by different people about the topic. RantWoman is sorry for how one message came out; RantWoman would SO like there to have been a different message to give.

RantWoman appreciates two Friends, one newcomer for hesitating to pull the electronic plug, and a second for at least saying “wait” long enough for Sara ridgesong to make the point that the first time something is done from a new Faith and Practice really ought to merit particular care in reporting.

RantWoman knows there is a character limit in Zoom chat in the first place and in the second place really wanted to hear and hold in the Light a different discussion. But circumstances still did what is needed: Sara Bridgesong heard two Friends objecting that the draft State of Society had not gone out with the rest of the Business Meeting materials and that they could not be clear to approve it based on one oral reading. Oh, BE STILL ONE’s HEART: other people actually READING what is being worked on and people being able clearly to ask that process be adjusted. RantWoman feels so much less alone just having witnessed that, and it is one of those moments very important to some individuals that might easily be glossed over in minutes.

Maybe if Sara Bridgesong had managed to hold her tongue the State of Society would still have been held over and she would have been there for a second really important discussion, but apparently all those assembled needed to hear the clerk publicly assert that Sara Bridgesong as a newcomer appalled by the events outlined in the State of Society report has no standing to suggest that the report about releasing RantWoman from membership specifically include a statement from RantWoman. RantWoman thinks the words “public accommodation” somehow belong in this discussion and is seasoning how to accomplish some vocabulary lessons. RantWoman is also following the process outlined in Faith and Practice and has sought help and clearness process through Quarterly Meeting Ministry and Counsel.

Things going right, more or less.

On the up side, first let us speak of things going right, more or less.
RantWoman thanks the providers of the most recent survey about NPYM Annual Session 2020 in a form that was completely accessible to RantWoman, no fuss, no muss, no after the fact “Oh I hope it’s accessible” comment provoking RantWoman to write FOUR blog posts about the general problem of small nonprofits thinking about accessibility. Other surveys long have also been accessible. Maybe RantWoman is stuck about the NPYM one because she personally helped lobby to hire the able webmaster who helps tend to such things. Maybe RantWoman is stuck on the NPYM issue because of getting a copy of the newest edition of Faith and Practice in reasonably as opposed to minimally accessible to RantWoman—two days after RantWoman was “released from membership.”

In Light and faithfulness


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