Monday, March 9, 2020

Shoes, Minutes, Walking in the Light including on Twitter

Signs RantWoman is supposed to continue to be true to her Light:

(Hold in the Light 2 Meeting members and RantMom who live in a retirement community where one resident is sick and in the hospital with #Covid19. Hold in the Light precise terminology because testing may or may not happen until people get really sick and in the meantime, lots of advice to wash hands frequently and cover cough and avoid unnecessary travel.)

Friend One on Twitter, yesterday, who may or may not have been present during what RantWoman sometimes describe as "The Worst Business Meeting Ever" in April 2013 right after the White Privilege Conference, graciously hearing RantWoman's comments about the bump elbows form of greeting" it triggers all of RantWoman's #AskDontGrab blind person moments. (At that Business Meeting, RantWoman needed to speak of ableism, but that probably did not come out of RantWoman's mouth very well AT ALL.)

Friend two, after RantWoman responded to a distress tweet, conversation about FLGBTQC and Min-midwinter gathering and another Meeting and responded to RantWoman's tweet about a leading right now to look out for families, followed RantWoman on Twitter.
    RantWoman also realized she might enjoy talking to this Friend some more partly because of her own "It's complicated" personal life. RantWoman saw and even gladly hugged Ferrener / Sometime to be Ex Husband Saturday in the middle of the who is even supposed to go anywhere maelstrom.

This wonderful Friends Journal article:
Friends Journal article Thou Shalt Wear Comfy Shoes
   The article talks of speaking of things and having Friends resonate.
   The article called to mind a story of Friend Peggy Senger Morrison and a two-mile walk in pumps as part of ministry in Africa.
     To be honest, RantWoman is GLAD when there are people who want to wear pumps and sorry to hear there are Quakers so eager to tactlessly police the choice of such footwear. RantWoman does NOT but would really dig options for spangles in shoes that also have good support for walking. Instead RantWoman sensible shoes now sport clever little dog walker lights for "walking in the Light"

RantWoman forgot to add "I have a versatile God who gets things done all kinds of ways" to her litany of God phrases underpinning conversations even with people who are, um, not so down with that God language.

RantWoman has found one set of minutes while meditating about minutes issues. Oh, boy. Hold in the Light. Hold in the Light new Light, continuing Revelation. Hold in the Light RantWoman not being too steamrolled  by ambient Corona Virus anxiety to be able to express herself kindly, as in how for instance to find an adequate translation to Quakerese of "baby Quakers."

As a result of #CoronaVirusSeattle events, RantWoman was able to be on the blind prayer warriors conference call. RantWoman is so warmly received and people speak of the wise things RantWoman posts on a listserve. The group does joys and concerns except they are called praises and prayers. Even though RantWoman is not really used to speaking of "the Enemy," RantWoman found the language helpful and was overwhelmed by how many of the prayers spoke deeply to things on RantWoman's heart. RantWoman is also grateful to share prayers / holding in the Light with others about a couple people RantWoman's heart aches for even if she cannot personally do much more than pray.

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