Saturday, February 2, 2019

Ministry Seasoned with Pizza?

Warning: this post is tangled. RantWoman is completely sober and the post is still tangled. Perhaps RantWoman and everyone mentioned just need to be held in the Light.



New Material at the bottom of the weekly bulletin with our material about sex offenders.


(RantWoman is omitting the material specifically about sex offenders. RantWoman deeply appreciates the person willing to be a phone contact for people with personal concerns but would slightly prefer that a person willing to be a phone contact list professional credentials. [RantWoman has a very able mental health professional whom she sees as often as she can afford; RantWoman is not clear that phoning the Meeting contact person will be helpful for what is on her mind about Meeting] Here though, what is on RantWoman’s mind, RantWoman thinks may cause enough consternation just by reporting data about following the instructions in the invitation below.)



“University Friends Meeting is also a place where individual behavior may not always live up to the ideals of community and peace that are at the heart of Quaker life. You may experience individuals whose comments, ministry or other communication appears aggressive, harsh, or rambling.

[ Excerpt from a Care and Counsel committee member email awhile ago comes to mind: “Please take good and gentle care of yourself. This is going to be painful and I do not even want to hear until after Business Meeting…”]  

Some in our community may misuse Quaker process, speaking their minds without the full light of the Spirit.

[Does anyone on Care and Counsel maybe MAYBE have challenges in this regard TOO?]

We are committed to engaging with these Friends from a place of love and spiritual discernment.

[If there were no love involved, RantWoman should have run away screaming a LONG time ago. PS How about matters of lawand administrative practicality on Planet Capitalism, single standard of Truth for Friends where awareness of the ADA and or really welcoming diversity and inclusion statements are part of their work lives and Meeting is a glorious learning opportunity?]

We are also resolved to hold these Friends accountable for their words and actions in the interest of protecting the integrity and spirit of our meeting. If you experience or witness harassment, either in person or online, please notify Care and Counsel Committee. [Who does RantWoman contact if the word silencing leaps out from…; can we maybe possibly just think “Opportunity to Grow. Oh Goody! Opportunity to Grow?”]


“If you have questions or concerns about how University Friends Meeting creates a safe and welcoming environment, please feel free to speak with the individual closing meeting for worship. […University Friends Meeting creates… How about movements of the Holy Spirit? Any room for that?] You may also bring questions or concerns to a member of the Care and Counsel or Worship and Ministry Committees. The co-clerks are …(Friend who usually embodies other nicer noms de blog than the email above and Friend whose Nom de blog RantWoman is trying NOT to reconsider.”



RantWoman offers the following data.

Vocal Ministry from Couples Counseling Friend

Recently Couples Counseling Friend offered vocal ministry. Couples Counseling Friend frequently does drama presentation well. This was true this time too but parts of her ministry just creeped RantWoman out.


Couples Counseling Friend, a member of Care and Counsel, acquired her nom de blog because she is attached in RantWoman’s mind with terminological landmines related to a conflict resolution effort already freighted with  vexed elements.  RantWoman one of these days will just write a Giant I FORGIVE you characterizing a number of circumstances, but that is neither here nor there for the ministry (ministries?) discussed here.



The ministry as RantWoman heard it, after children had entered worship.

First a bit about Benjamin Lay and whether he was difficult on purpose. RantWoman has no basis for knowing but would consider the possibility that Benjamin Lay lived in a cave because that was what he could afford. RantWoman also imagines, since Benjamin Lay was a person of short stature, that his cave might not have been large enough for people of normal height to stand up in but that it probably was a much-needed refuge from the ableism of people around him. Well RantWoman imagines.


The next part of the message mentioned Couples Counseling Friend’s former professional work with many children who have been sexually abused. The first part of the message was about something wonderful coming with something terrible.  RantWoman is not unfamiliar with the concept of unexpected blessing.  Something though about the delivery together with Couples Counseling Friend’s refusal to respond by email to a simple email inquiry “Do you remember what you said?” Do you remember what you intended?” somehow gave that part of the ministry a creepy edge.




Couples Counseling Friend, as RantWoman heard it, next talked about asking her young clients what they wanted on a pizza so they could forget the bad things forever.


Huh??? What kind of treatment modality is that? How does that work neurologically? Does the pizza also whack things one wants to hold or only bad stuff? It’s not one RantWoman remembers from her stint as a behavioral health bean counter. How does that work? Is God just showing off some weird sense of humor showing up with this message?


More to the point, eat a lot of pizza (or whatever) and just try to forget… pretty well encapsulates the emotional atmosphere a good bit of the time in the RantFamily household. That eat and forget and never mind emotional nuances or skills atmosphere also contributed  to between 0 and 2 threads of sexual assault per kid among the 3 RantChildren. RantWoman is the 0 which still leaves plenty of work for a mental health professional and plenty to keep washing away in the well of good spiritual practice. . Pizza and /or the possibility that no one has figured out the kid is violently allergic to pizza, is its own digression. Expectations about forgetting are, on Planet RantWoman completely unrealistic and also a little beside the point: If expectations of forgetting are to be part of the therapy, should one just run screaming from the room, even if it has been a lot of trouble to get into the room in the first place? If one is not going to forget, understandings and healing “I see you” conversations can evolve over time.


That is where RantWoman has gotten to while seasoning her creeped out reaction. By seasoning, RantWoman means a group email including Couples Counseling Friend and others who were present or not. Besides the inquiry above to Couples Counseling Friend, RantWoman also asked others what if any elements they remembered. RantWoman did not have high expectations, but now simply notes data collected.


Couples Counseling Friend repeated a frequent request of RantWoman, basically not to email her except regarding matters related to Couples Counseling Friend also being Recording Clerk.


Helpful? Uhh, today the Benjamin Lay reference has sent RantWoman’s recollections of many matters to do with disability and Minutes so guess what, RantWoman in her role as serial recording clerk to many Quaker bodies invited Couples Counseling Friend back into the picture. [RantWoman also notes at least two batches of minutes where Couples Counseling Friend either ignored RantWoman’s words entirely or seemed quite at sea with what RantWoman was trying to present. In the second case others were at sea and conversations continue.]


Friend Whose Nom De Blog RantWoman is trying not to Reconsider generously told the entire recipient list they do not need to respond to RantWoman’s honest questions. RantWoman’s excessively plain English to Quakerese language filter may yet melt over this Friend’s presumption to know more about the intent of RantWoman’s choice of recipients than RantWoman does. People are adults. They can take responsibility for managing their email. This Friend also offered an opinion about inquiries as to the meaning of Vocal ministry that RantWoman is having trouble squaring with the invitation listed in the bulletin.


RantWoman then wrote back that often for her inquiries as to something about her ministry are often very welcome and deepening; Madame Clerk also wrote back even more movingly than RantWoman AND expressed unspecified disquiet with the previous Friend’s response. Another Friend wrote back also noting disquiet and expressing various strands of blessing.


Back in Worship

RantWoman returns to the Meeting for Worship in question.


RantWoman offered the ministry summarized here.



Than another Friend offered the ministry from Corinthians about “love is kind, patient…”  And Meeting closed AND RantWoman needed to ask in person to be held in the Light.


Sure. Now what?


In Light and Faithfulness






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