Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Benjamin Lay Comes to Worship and Brings Agnes Wanda McClintock

RantWoman LOVES hearing new voices in worship. At the same time, RantWoman finds herself needing to be faithful to a call to speak. RantWoman maintains a mental frequent flyer list of people whose messages she wishes might sometimes make it out of others’ mouths. RantWoman is on this frequent flyer list.  Hold these two threads in the Light.

Here RantWoman needs to leave traces of what was on her mind while she ATTEMPTS to solicit help about one piece of ministry she has become extremely STUCK about.

Meeting for Worship Sunday featured ministry by a former member of Abington Friends about noted 18th Century abolitionist and provocateur Benjamin Lay who at the time was read out of several Meetings and lately in the last year or so has been posthumously readmitted to membership at Abington Monthly Meeting in Pennsylvania.
Dang. Another week where RantWoman was called to deliver multiple seemingly disparate messages right at the end of worship, after the children joined us for cripe’s sake.

  1. It is a triumph for the whole country that Congress pass and The Orange One signed legislation reopening the government.
  2. IToday is the 75th Anniversary of the end of the Siege of Leningrad, with BRIEF commentary of what that refers to. RantWoman definitely left out the part about survival cannibalism for one thing because RantWoman had already reached her limit of both hearing and offering weird food ministry.
  3. (Nutrition / food allergy issue related to previous ministry RantWoman will untangle separately about Benjamin Lay and pizza; reference to Benjamin Lay being a dwarf) It is all very nice that Abington Friends reinstated the membership of Benjamin Lay 200 years after reading him out of Meeting. Now it would be really nice if Abington Friends would restore the membership of Agnes Wanda McClintock who was recently read out of meeting for being faithful to her call to honor the memory of her enslaved ancestors buried on the grounds of the Meeting.
Isn't RantWoman just a BARREL of fun to be around!

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