Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Belatedly, on honoring Dr. King in today's working

Warning: in addition to mention of unarmed truth and universal love and this blog post contains references to blood sacrifice, survival cannibalism, communion in the Barclay sense of the holy spirit moving among many people at once,  the sensibilities of a Friend raised Quaker, and terms of several different registers referring to the police. If you would rather stick to unarmed Truth and unconditional love, click away before the second heading.


If you desperately wish RantWoman would just STFU in whatever medium she appears, please note that RantWoman considers electronic requests to be held in the light, for instance at the beginning of a blog post or email, just as holy as the ones delivered live in Meeting For Worship. Now what can RantWoman do to communicate how much a sense of spiritual accompaniment matters, how deeply confident RantWoman is that there is an abundance of what is needed among our community as a whole even if …? And will RantWoman ever freaking figure out how to find a good editor?





After worship, in coffee hour.

“How do you spell her name?”


“I-j-e-o-m-a O-l-u-o. The article I talked about is on”

Thought bubble: Ooh, ooh, ooh. Thank you so much for asking. Score another one for Ijeoma! RantWoman previously gave a message rising from her Twitter streams and collected from a young Friend information responsive to the Twitter thread but this time the circumstances were more piquant, less conducive to immediate tending.  RantWoman was rightly led in worship even if her message did not get to the part about love in the original article.


At close of worship:  Madame Clerk who faithfully maintains careful efforts to have Friends hold our history and privilege spoke  of an African American woman named Ruby Tibbs whose life is so far weakly documented in Meeting lore beyond the fact that she worked for the American Friends Service Committee after World War II.



During Worship.

…”This week we honor Martin Luther King’s birthday. I read this article by local author Ijeoma Oluo about being asked to speak at the annual Martin Luther King County celebration but really not wanting to CELEBRATE lingering inequity after lingering inequity. But we can HONOR Dr. King by….



From the speech RantWoman referred to.

“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final say.”


Celebrate is not the word that comes to mind.




And to the Friends who think God should send messages only in 30-second blops and do not read blogs, if it takes God THREE WHOLE MINUTES to deliver something powerful and profound and complete, WHAT THEN?


In RantWoman’s case, all honoring Dr. King might mean this year is listening to the titles and authors of books about Barack Obama on the NLS BARD website and noting, Good lord, there were a lot of racist opinions penned during that presidency.



RantWoman was trying to forgive HERSELF for what little she could do this year to honor the MLK holiday. However RantWoman is also a judgmental witch when it comes to other people.


And another thing

“There is a committee in NPYM working on the minute on eradicating racism …”

“But did you go to the threshing session….?”

“No, did you?”


RantWoman’s Excessively Plain English to Quakerese filter faltered badly in the moment; she is just going to leave a whole bunch of thought bubbles here like pins on a Google map. Invitation needed to fill some of the thought bubbles?


RantWoman has also heard that the threshing session was fruitful.  RantWoman is interested to hear more because, among other things, the threshing session did not fit into RantWoman’s schedule



Voice in RantWoman’s head:  What do you mean you live in ATLANTA and just want a day off?  Wait, Look RantWoman just because YOU were awed to be able to buy Martin Luther King postcards late at night one time in the Atlanta airport does NOT mean everyone else you know has to have the same level of awe. It does NOT.


Communion 1

RantWoman is really enjoying a young Friend’s account of learning to pray, as presented last week in Adult Religious Education. Part of learning to pray: her grandfather was a minister. Her father was a confirmed atheist, with thoughts like “They drink the blood of Christ. How gross is that?”


RantWoman remembers being new to Friends and being THRILLED that there was space in community conversation both for the thought that communion is a bizarre cannibalistic ritual and for the anthropology of blood sacrifice and survival cannibalism. RantWoman also appreciated being relieved of the need to debate both transsubantiation as metaphor and real wine vs grape juice. Should RantWoman need more of such discussions RantMom’s  Presbyterian forays into the applied physics of what gluten free products can safely be dunked into the communal communion by intinction vessel are more than enough raw material.


Communion 2?

RantWoman is sitting with two other threads from Young Friend’s This I believe origin story, besides her dances of when she as a woman just has to barge into conversation (RantWoman can SO relate) and when she needs to LISTEN.


The first thread is about use of the word “cops.” Young Friend spoke of needing a new analysis of racism as a result of going far away to go to college in Baltimore and of paths toward engagement around cops and prison abolition issues. An elderly Friend spoke of being taught never to use the word “cops” and instead always to say “police.” RantWoman’s language nerd brain immediately ran away to her building’s parking lot and questions like “What is 5-0 / the po-po / .. doing in the parking lot today?” The Typical answers: A welfare check? A domestic violence issue? Either way, ) Then RantWoman’s brain wandered back to Adult Ed. RantWoman humbly admits that she usually appreciates elderly Friend’s ability to articulate the sensibilities she was raised with, but that sometimes the sensibilities make RantWoman roll her eyes. RantWoman however thinks it important to have shared discussion and would not have minded if there had been more freedom to work with these points right in Adult Ed.



The second has to do with leaving the place one is from and yet someone still needing to speak to the people still there. RantWoman is thinking of a whole discussion of tolling two Lake Washington floating bridges at the same time, how much money it would have saved taxpayers, and objections from exactly the place Young Friend is from. Has RantWoman actually strayed far from blood sacrifice even if the question appears to be only transportation policy?


What? Barely any survival cannibalism? Stay tuned for another post.




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