Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How to Clerk a Quaker Business Meeting

Lurking in RantWoman's drafts folder since 2016 and surfacing just in time for RantWoman to need to mumble about continuing revelation and workshop materials in accessible formats and other welcomign and inclusive practices.

Um, well, RantWoman could at least kindly distill her bloggery.

But INSTEAD, RantWoman is going to commit Quaker heresy, cite her other blog, and suggest that God shows up just as well (aind is just as needed) in meetings run under other terminology.

Facilitate This


RantWoman recently came across the following Suggestions about clerking a Meeting for Business. RantWoman probably could do a more exhaustive search for similar documents, especially if she is truly going to be all about alternate formats and electronic accessibility. RantWoman notes the STUNNING absence of very nuanced comments about anything to do with accessibility and reasonable accommodations.

Perhaps RantWoman has been missing a call to labor with .. about those exact topics, particularly since RantWoman at one point emailed and asked whether Arthur had ever been in meetings iwth Blind people. To his knowledge, no.

The Eureka moment?

Fasten seatbelts because it's going to be a ride.

Once upon a time many moons ago RantWoman remembers sitting in perhaps a North Pacific yearly Meeting Steering committee meeting. The discussion was about NPYM's annual practice of sending two people off to Philadelphia, also known as the Quaker mothership to attend a clerking workshop put on by Arthur Larrabee.

RantWoman's memory is that the thought formed simultaneously in several people's heads--including RantWoman's--that gee, airfare costs about the same round-trip if one person comes west as if 1 person goes east and gee, if one person came west maybe a whole bunch of people could have training. And lo, it was decided to hold exactly such a training before an NPYM Annual Session.

Arthur Larrabee

PS RantWoman confesses: she has a little bit of oldest child angst: RantWoman suggested... and did not get invited to the workshop. On the other hand if RantWoman needs to be liberated to think freely and clearly about matters of disability and inclusion....

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