Monday, November 18, 2019

Blower me and Chair Envy

Reporting on RantWoman's current local Quaker Meeting world tour.

Recently Salmon Bay.

RantWoman is striving to draw out a fountain of love for all the holy children of God; RantWoman is also striving to embrace all occasions for gratitude.

But this IS RantWoman. This week gratitude showed up as an image of an SUV that has driven into a living room. Who knew we needed an SUV in the living room? Well the SUV in the living room is about realities in one strand of RantWoman's life that hone skills, strengthen backbone and, gotta love that single standard of Truth, then show up in other parts of RantWoman's life.

RantWoman! You are equating the holy decisions of ... with an SUV driven into a living room??? How could you?

Soundbytes, digested:

God keeps sending people with disabilities to live among and asks everyone to Figure It Out, to figure out how to live together in our different realities..

RantWoman has a very versatile God who gets things done lots of ways.

Stay tuned?

God and sleeplessness made a surprisingly doable First Day bus itinerary that ..

RantWoman will be called to meditate on the matter of chairs below. But first,

Worship passed almost entirely without vocal ministry except for one voice toward the end. The voice was VERY grateful to have eluded #TrafficViolence from some speeding vehicle while out running. The danger was heightened because of a hearing issue.

This lone message does not mean worship was silent. A TRULY magnificent roaring blower kicked in about half way through the hour and roared away for about 20 minutes.

Talk about a way to make RantWoman REALLY MISS the crows on the roof at ...

Luckily(?) RantWoman needs worship so badly that if she cannot just zone out, she can pretend the blower is just, say, a badly discombobulated pipe organ. Very badly discombobulated.

Mercifully, the blessed thing quit, went silent, The sun came out, and the voices of children playing outside the windows fluttered into worship!

Worship closed after children entered. RantWoman was not called to stay for Business meeting but instead.

RantWoman later found herself remarking about the chairs available: lightweight black plastic folding chairs. The chair conversation was, Surprise, the second conversation in a week, where some matter of accessibility came up! RantWoman will argue about whether that matter is in or out of scope. RantWoman tends to think it is in scope. See repetitive mention below!

RantWoman remarked on the chair issues to a Friend with whom she had a very productive in-person conversation after responding to a clear leading just to GO to a meeting RantWoman thought of skipping while fighting a cold. RantWoman is glad she was faithful to her Light and thus geographically available for in-person conversation after her other meeting. Doing many errands in the same vicinity  if possible when travelling to a distant area is a key RantWoman survival strategy for her transit-dependent lifestyle!

But the chairs?
RantWoman spoke about the chairs at Salmon Bay and then talked about chair issues at UFM. Friend opined that Site committee for annual session should involve one tall person, one short person, a couple people with mobility issues. And they should be required to sit in the available chairs for 4 hours before deciding on a site.

This suggestion amuses RantWoman  RantWoman has visited a number of local churches and been a poll judge in several neighborhood polling sites when we still had polling sites. RantWoman can say, the chair situation varies widely from mediocre to terrible with one tony outlier a presbyterian church in Bellevue wehre went with RantMom for something once.

But the other point: sure, Great idea. Talk to Annual Session planning committee and think about accessibility. This conversation is the second conversation in about two weeks where someone has said some variant of "Yes, increase the scope of the disability conversation" so thank you for validating RantWoman's point that there is much to talk about!

Also for the second time this week, some variant of "I hope we will do something about accessibility with or without you involved." WHASSUP with that??? RantWoman definitely does not want to discourage LOTS more people from being involved. There is plenty to do!not necessarily want to discourage LOTS more people from taking up this work and helping shared understandings of what matters, RantWoman is also reminded of a certain clearness committee related to adjusting to blindness that thought it was done before RantWoman thought it was done and of comments from a former member of Oversight / Oops well / now care and Counsel about realizing after they did a report about accessibility that they had missed many parts of the disability picture.

In Light and faithfulness.


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