Thursday, November 21, 2019

Clerking Workshop Announcement, as edited

RantWoman has been seasoning several matters related to an upcoming Clerkign Workshop:

--RantWoman has attended previously. This does not mean, by a long shot that RantWoman knows everything there is to know. Plus every group is different and part of the point of learning together is to hear what gifts there are in a room.

--Chasing RantWoman away from one Meeting without dealing with things that have been on RantWoman's mind since the last clerking workshop (thank you Gmail search bar and a distinctive search string) will not solve anyone else's problems about the same issues.

--Suppose RantWoman were to take the words "all are welcome" below as an opening what else would need to happen, besides thanks but no thanks for an offer for materials in alternate formats that would have taken a lot of time and not been RantWoman's preferred choices anyway

--Should RantWoman just decide she does not care about concerns roiling her soul and go spend time being an ally for a younger Friend with disabilities who consistently runs much more inclusive meetings with more centered discernment--even though the groups do not call it that) than is RantWoman's current disturbing experience in the nearest slices of nearby Quakerdom?

--Should RantWoman just editorialize all over the registration form about concerns, things she would do differently, and that all-around gift for affrontery that makes RantWoman such a joy to be around sometimes?

--What calls lie behind "True to RantWoman's  Light?"

In the meantime, RantWoman got all self-absorbed and attempted to edit the workshop Flyer.

Herding Cats - Idiom of the Week
Figure 1A shepard, with a staff on a lawn with a wooden fence and several cats
Clerking and Being Clerked:
The Spiritual and Pragmatic Practice of Herding Cats

All are welcome!

(Emphasis added, *see except..? for circumstances that cause RantWoman to promise to be faithful to her Light with no idea in advance what that will look like)

(Clerking experience is not required.)

Salmon Bay Monthly Meeting is hosting…
(Emphasis added)
What: A workshop on Clerking and Quaker Business Process
When: 10am – 4pm, on Saturday, November 23rd, 2019
Where: University Friends Meetinghouse (4001 9th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA)
Seriously Weighty Friends RantWoman has a lot of damn nerve trying (AGAIN) to elder about disability, inclusion, accessibility; stay tuned for Quaker testimonies and Cats! Simplicity is not doing so well, peace has to be lurking somewhere, but Integrity, Community, and Equality have been duking it out (um, oops, need Quakerese translation) muddled with word clouds about
ableism and privilege,
community, allyship, solidarity, spiritual accompaniment
physical and technological accessibility, alternate formats
reasonable (and unreasonable) accommodations, the ADA, a single standard of Truth, and dozens of other topics.

Suggested Donation: $25.00 (Feel free to ask your Meeting for support if needed)
Support? For right now a really good place to start, besides the “emphasis added “ points above: STOP expecting RantWoman to tolerate separate and VERY unequal access to worship with the rest of the community. By the way, RantWoman is SERIOUSLY CREEPED OUT that all a business meeting she was not at thought RantWoman might care about is attending memorials to talk about dead people. What about seeing people while they are still alive? What about figuring out Life???

Lunch and childcare are provided.

To Participate: (deadline is past, but) Please request a Registration form ….(Leave a comment and RantWoman will forward)

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