Saturday, August 31, 2019


Dear Beloved Community.

Digression alert: the thought to reference RantWoman's currently dormant habit of doing sudoku in Meeting For Worship wandered through RantWoman's head as she was gathering her thoughts for this post. At first, RantWoman was going to cite only one post, but RantWoman is finding herself steadied by thoughts of posting the whole thread.

One reason to post the whole thread, not just the post about "if... be glad you can see across the room to be bothered:": mention of the workings of a clearness committee related to blindness issues. There is narrative afoot that nothing works and RantWoman is ungrateful and unreceptive. Readers please consider comments about the clearness committee wherein much WAS very helpful--though the clearness committee kind of decided they were done before RantWoman thought they were done..

With that digression out of the way, back to current minutes Please excuse RantWoman: REALLY? Is RantWoman REALLY the scariest thing in your lives? Really?

Like way ahead of the Trump administration, the climate crisis, mass incarceration, human rights abominations being perpetrated in our names around the world?

RantWoman ia TRYING not to minimize distress. The thought has occurred to RantWoman that some voices are just out for blood and praying all over the internet about the problem is the best RantWoman can do right now anyway, so pray away.

RantWoman is grateful for conversations with room for very different ideas about worship, conversations that do not just try to cram RantWoman's into someone else's theological box. RantWoman WILL elaborate about worship, the good order of Friends, and another round of "Go talk to your counselor" in separate posts.

RantWoman cannot fix the past, no matter how much she might want to; RantWoman can only try to do better going forward. RantWoman has a long list of her own miscommunications that she really does not want to recur. RantWoman is administering serious doses of sleep,  seasoning, and persistence, faithfulness to her Light. RantWoman does not expect any of this to solve everything.

BUT Rantwoman cannot promise never to lose her temper. RantWoman cannot promise never to get triggered. RantWoman cannot promise not to have a jump out of her skin when interrupted reaction she seems to be having in lots of contexts. RantWoman cannot promise to deliver anywhere near the level of ego massage some among us feel entitled to. AND RantWoman has the nerve to re-affirm her Light that God gets things done all kinds of ways.

Furthermore RantWoman IS being faithful to her Light about not signing on to things she cannot agree to without reasonable accommodations. Stay tuned because RantWoman has also become clear about another step that RantWoman thinks WILL be good for the community.

Query: How can adults listen deeply and model real conflict resolution instead of just trying to cram each other into ill-fitting boxes?

In Light and Faithfulness.


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