Friday, August 30, 2019

Not the Only Problem and other moments.

Warning: sarcasm likely to occur below.


Instead of "disability is not the problem," there is at least ONE voice saying "Disability is not your only problem!"

No SHIT! Praise Jesus. Thank you for noticing.

MAYBE, just MAYBE if we can all work with the dsability-related CRAP, RantWoman's charming, sunny but acerbic self will also achieve better equilibrium AND ...


RantWoman is digesting both minutes and conversations. RantWoman actually appreciates Friends' observations about a number of issues. RantWoman also appreciates specific details which have not necessarily emerged in the trends reported to RantWoman.

RantWoman maintains mental lists of:

--things she has struggled with her whole life

--things which are a lot harder or a lot worse post vision loss

--some other worries around the edges.

So RantWoman PROMISES to be grateful if Friends share specifics with thoughts of helping RantWoman figure out which of the above boxes particular items might belong in.

For instance, RantWoman's capacity for digression and inability to fit in others' boxes has vexed people around her, fellow students, co-workers for decades. In the best case, in college, everyone in a class on ethics taught in the engineering school by one of RantWoman's early Quaker influences got their paper topics from things RantWoman said in class. So topical questions in reference to current minutes: one Friend says the problem is getting worse. RantWoman wonders how that relates to eyesight issues including eyesight and conversational dynamics.. RantWoman also wonders whether the digressions are in fact something disability related and therefore new to many people. RantWoman particularly notes this point with her next concern.

In a more piquant moment, in a long-ago conversation with Nominating committee, the committee accused RantWoman of getting off-topic. So RantWoman asked those present to point out the problem as it occurred. 3 of the 5 instances cited in the rest of the conversation had some connection with disability! Nuances here keep getting muddled as things get reported.

Now RantWoman SOMETIMES gets her content more tightly organizes and at least monitors the flow of things to get back to where conversations migrated from. Some of the time. What do you want, perfection?


But RantWoman, ... meeting for worship ...stay away because we asked you to. We're all tired....
--THANK YOU. RantWoman recognizes that we understand Meeting for Worship really differently. RantWoman needs to trust her Light about saying more, in a separate post.
--Yeah. And if you are tired of problems you get to go home from, just consider how tiriing it is to deal all the time. Plus, it's the Trump administration. Everyone with a soul and a shred of decency is tired and people facing onslaughts from multiple directions, can you imagine, MIGHT just be more on edge that average comfortable folk.
But the main point: all this means we all need MORE not less Meeting for Worship. Stay tuned for further RantWoman Light

Let us not forget the President.

Speaking of #disability, referencing the current occupant of the White House is becoming increasingly difficult for anyone who strives to treat people with disabilities respectfully. RantWoman fails gloriously.  RantWoman also fails gloriously when it comes to items of questionable taste. So please bear with RantWoman's favorite hashtag of the day, in honor of the Orange One proclaiming himself The Chosen One and various other Presidential gaffes:
Randy Rainbow video

And before anyone draws any parallels with RantWoman, RantWoman at least keeps her Pauline letters straight and has actually been muddling about with I Corinthinians chapters 11-14. RantWoman is mad curious what the Corinthians were fighting about.

In Light and Faithfulness


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