Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Zany questions for UFM Campus Discernment process

RantWoman is QUITE well aware that more zany questions from RantWoman may or may not be the least bit helpful to the campus discernment process. RantWoman offers the questions here in humble hope that they will spark other questions and that out of these questions increased clarity about how to work at our different paths and current problems might emerge.

RantWoman is also flipping well interested in comparing notes about the questions other people pose. RantWoman can live with the possibility that some of her questions have absolutely no resonance with others. However, RantWoman has specific experience with more than one member of the campus Discernment committee dismissing RantWoman's perspective where RantWoman turned out to have important insight. RantWoman is being faithful to that Light and inviting shared discussion

RantWoman acknowledges but does not apologize for flinging around a whole bunch of jargon. RantWoman and, she imagines others, can explain the jargon and / or suggest resources to explain it more fully. RantWoman thinks a certain amount of wading into jargon is going to be absolutely necessary for centered discernment. RantWoman also thinks drawing together resources to help people deal with jargon is a task that could be accomplished by drawing in people who might only want to commit to that and not to more or not to more right now. But then RantWoman is a language nerd and is prone to the same problem lots of other people have: if one has one set of tools all problems look like something where that set of tools is needed.

RantWoman also deeply appreciates a couple phone conversations where project manager brain insights have at least been heard.

That said, the last retreat dealt with some interesting numbers ranges. Are there circumstances that could blow those projections? Amazon going belly up? The current regime annoying the world badly enough that foreign investors stop investing in Seattle?

What do we think higher education or at least the UW might look like in 20, 50, 100 years. Hint: reviewing the UW master plan could be a shared educational experience but answering that question probably requires more thought.

Are there opportunities for our Meeting in connection with the community resources supposedly generated in the upzone / BIA process? What options are there for researching / monitoring this. Hint: the U district partnership has a monthly email list. Anyone can sign up; if people read the emails, conversations can probably help information and ideas flow in our community.

Is there anything we can do to influence what happens in our immiediate vicinity or to make our neighbors aware of us as a faith community or other resource?

Lots of Friends have expressed interest in affordable housing development. Would we have the same or less interest in affordable housing on our own property if we were able to use our voice to help ensure that more affordable housing gets created in the U district and in the city as a whole? Should we honor friends led both to work directly about our property and about the region as a whole?

What circumstances within our community or changes in our immediate vicinity  could make it absolutely necessary to move?

What changes in pedestrian (and vehicle) traffic can we expect as the new Light rail station opens?

What is our commitment to staying in the University District, particularly if escalating real estate prices make it unaffordable for many in our community to continue to live in Seattle?

How many different threads can be researched at once?

There. More than enough for now.

In Light and Faithfulness.


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