Sunday, September 3, 2017

Petabytes and teaspoons

This item has been seasoning in RantWoman's drafts folder for awhile. There are a number of circumstances flying full-speed into RantWoman's BS detector. That needs to be held in the Light. In the Meantime, RantWoman is posting things accumulated from her Drafts folder.

The brief version:

Here is an article about a proposal before the Seattle City Council to address the reality of unhoused people living in their cars.

RantWoman is posting it here because:

--RantWoman thinks it is reasonable and appropriate to be able to have sensible conversations with others around her about the different issues represented.

--Unhoused people living in cars is only one of many "how does the regionwide housing affordability crisis affect the daily lives of people in Meeting?" questions on RantWoman's mind. There would also be questions of what are we as a meeting or as individuals called to do. RantWoman assumes that she is not the only one who has car encampments somewhere near where they live. RantWoman could see the case for seeing whether people living in the housing near Meeting could imagine a location for car encampments.

RantWoman absolutely thinks car encampments are for better or worse an important part of addressing people's need for shelter. Car encampments, like dockless bikeshare are also an exercise in community. Probably enough said, until there is experience to be shared or advice to be sought.

--In Seattle's 7 districts and 2 at large seats City Council, Council Mmeber Rob Johnson, the person who introduced this bill represents the district were our Meeting is located. Enough said for now?

--RantWoman is growing impatient about a discernment process and SHARED discussion of events, media items, etc, as well as ease of retrieval. A few months down the road RantWoman for instance does not want to scream her screen reader over all 3+ petabytes (meaning a ginormous quantity) of information flowing through the internet everysecond; RantWoman wants easily to get back to the few sprinkles of data she has already been working with and any new relevant data. RantWoman recognizes that her need for technology will drag some other people along a technological learning curve and compete for attention with Friends' need sometimes just to go steep them selves in petabytes of data flooding them from outdoors. RantWoman already admits she is being impatient. Enough said?

Actually, no. RantWoman is tired of waiting around. RantWoman is just going to post as led for awhile. RantWoman can make the case that thoughtful discernment should not have to wade through every piece of electronic lint that flutters out of RantWoman's spiritual compost heap. Rant Woman can also make the case  that a more specific set of tags might be nice. However, for now RantWoman is going to use the tags she already had. Sometimes if a hashtag seems relevant, RantWoman will include it

Enough for now?

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