Friday, September 15, 2017

Electronic Hairballs: Email in times of crisis

The Still Didn't Get the Memo Committee on Email Immoderation seems to be coughing up electronic hairballs of various kinds.

RantWoman saw in a tweet that September is #SuicidePreventionMonth

RantWoman in connection with other things is also reading such Light as trickles out of Care and Counsel about email.

RantWoman notes STUNNING absence of realism about things like people being actively suicidal in email or actively suicidal in email written 6 hours ago by someone who does not have continuous internet connectivity.

RantWoman is meditating about Care and Counsel as a source of wisdom and about just trusting one's Inner Blowtorch and letting Care and Counsel catch up afterward.

RantWoman wonders how many people would follow the guidance above and just wait until they get email that better fits their idea of cheery and easy to read.

Please hold RantWoman's sarcasm in the Light because RantWoman once had a conversation where she was asked why she spent so much time about such a situation.

The question came up in the midst of a whole stream of matters and RantWoman heard an overtone that infuriated her. The crisis had already passed RantWoman had to prioritize other problems. RantWoman has never found time to have a conversation and has filed it for various reasons.

RantWoman actually did not spend much more time than she already was doing anyway. But RantWoman might find it easier not to be offended by the question if it were rephrase as "RantWoman what were you expecting others to do?" or RantWoman what were you seeing that we were not or that you did not think we were seeing?"

But mostly it's an old story that clatters to mind from time to time for unpredictable reasons.

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