Saturday, September 2, 2017

Diligence and Ripostes

Bless us Oh Lord for RantWoman suffers today from an overabundance of need for snarky ripostes to things she has heard Friends around her say recently. Please understand, RantWoman's fountain of snarky ripostes is subject to various strands of interference and unmitigated Inner Blowtorch.

In the realm of Inner Blowtorch, although RantWoman feels no call at this moment to explain why Operation NightWatch is on her mind, RantWoman is not infrequently on the bus with people dispatched through Operation NIghtwatch's dispatch system.  RantWoman has also collected conversational comments from somewhere about the dispatch system somehow not always getting available shelter beds filled. RantWoman thinks understanding this issue and the current realities as far as use of shelter beds is on point for an ongoing conversation but is not clear to say more in blogland.

Scratch that. There also is a big giant due diligence issue right on the Operation Nightwatch homepage as RantWoman writes. On one hand, it is even more vivid than the due diligence perspective on RantWoman's mind in last Business Meeting. On the other hand RantWoman has sent her usual overly complex email. Humbly, RantWoman would appreciate SOME indication that SOMEONE has read--and interacted with--her email. RantWoman has no opinion necessarily about what might come from looking at the due diligence issue, but RantWoman considers it her duty as a faithful member of meeting and steward of community efforts to point it out. RantWoman would not mind having a clearer sense to whom she might succinctly direct these concerns or offers of help investigating and expect reasonable responses. Hold seasoning of the question in the Light.

There is also the RantWoman Message Manglement service situated securely between RantWoman's ears, as well as various other hiccups and  irregularities in the Space Time continuum. And when all that is insufficiently exculpatory Mercury is still in retrograde until September 3. But back to RantWoman's well of snarky comments.

"...on the bus I cannot even tell anymore who is homeless..."

Unspoken snarky response: "DUDE. What buses do you ride? Sit in the courtesy area or as RantWoman has been known to call it, the Crip fights section. Open your ears."

holding in the Light every voice sounding timid or touching something real and tender
holding in the Light every voice sounding timid or touching something real and tender
holding in the Light every voice sounding timid or touching something real and tender
"...I was so pleased about how discussion about the Welcoming people of all Genders" minute went at Annual Session that I am ready to tackle racism next year!"

NOW RantWoman can think "Friend would you care to elaborate?"

Can any of RantWoman's readers imagine why that statement might make one burst out laughing? Set off  a giant collective spiritual popcorn popper?

As it was, worship was fairly gathered. RantWoman's meditations alternated between reflections on the pluses and minuses of pre-worship caffeine and meditations about the power of a two-word tweet "belligerent jerk" drawing appreciation across huge cultural chasms. Other messages emerged. There were newcomers to welcome. Nothing needed to make it out of RantWoman's mouth--Yet. Stay tuned. Hold in the light.

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