Friday, August 5, 2016


RantWoman just needs to commit thoughts to electrons before her head explodes.

RantWoman in festive preparation for the most recent Meeting for business was...

..contemplating carpet replacement ?

well, yeah,  a little because we do need to replace the carpet

..contemplating a concise way to has her Meeting to season a request from people of color to make the FGC site selection committee more than 50 % people of color, so maybe perhaps possibly sites will be chosen where people of color can gather before the main gathering without being hassled by facility security.

Yep. RantWoman was contemplating this, but concise has not occurred. So stay tuned.

Nope, the item that RantWoman needs to commit to electrons before her head explodes has to do with a radio story RantWoman now cannot locate about the Syrian refugee crisis. Turns out:

--Refugees stuck on an island in Greece schedule their interviews for the next step in their asylum process by a nightmarish Skype process that takes hours and days just to connect to the ONE LONE HUMAN who can perform the scheduling.

--The human has to work with interpreters for different languages BUT the biggest reason there is no money to hire more staff: Greece is dead broke and the story made NO mention of any efforts by the international community to help fund refugee resettlement.

There. Now RantWoman HOPES to be able to postpone her head exploding at least until she is able to think about the problem in a more centered way.

Meanwhile, some other news stories besides the one RantWoman cannot find.

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