Saturday, October 25, 2014

Tough Study

"RantWoman, it might hurt your feelings..."

Umm, we're across a big lake from each other. The worst thing that might happen is ai might get mad and throw my phone across the room, but I need my phone so that is unlikely to happen. Now, you were saying....

Turns out, RantWoman, aka Tough Study Friend collected feedback quite similar to feedback she has collected from others about more or less thinking in entire Russian novels all at once without leaving room for people to digest and interact with small bites. RantWoman peculiarly appreciates getting feedback from multiple sources, even when the feedback adds up to, among other things, GEE, RantWoman, you are a Tough Study!

Friend Worried about Hurting RantWoman's Feelings clearly got enough of a shared venture that brief excursions to Planet RantWoman enriched rather than impeded needed flows!

RantWoman also collected specific feedback and concerns about the problems that were, from RantWoman's perspective the original point of the call.

Score 1 for the phone not getting thrown across the room at all!

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