Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Who are we all called to become?


RantWoman again has trouble getting brain home from Quaker travels. Furthermore,  RantWoman muddles messages of Young Adult Friends plenary with literary titles:


Ivan Turgenev: Father’s and Sons

Fyodor Dostoevsky: Brothers Karamazov

Andrei Bely: Petersburg.

Anatoly Rybakov: Children of the Arbat


RantWoman repeats the message she was given during worship, with emphasis: find something to say yes to and wade into the Living Water. That’s how all those moldering elders did it. RantWoman is confident you can too.


RantWoman had conversations with one young adult Friend and one adult close in age to RantWoman. At the worship, Friends would stand to speak and the mike runner would apply further discernment as to whom to present the mic o. The mike runner was a young adult Friend.  RantWoman specifically spoke to the Friends she mentioned because they were not offered the mike. The Young Adult Friend can speak for himself. He used language RantWoman can unambiguously relate to. But RantWoman will get close enough with the words of her other conversation:?

“If you had been able to speak, what would you have said?”

Something RantWoman stored as “Love yourself fully so you are able to love other people.”

 RantWoman: I think it’s really nice to sit around loving ourselves but sooner or later I like to get some work done too.”

 RantWoman means no disrespect to those assembled. But thoughts that did not make it out of her mouth:

 Some people stay away in faithfulness to concerns about overconsumption.

 Some of the Friends in RantWoman’s Yearly Meeting doing the most credible witness about racism never come to Annual Session, partly because of cost, partly because of a sense that there is little there to feed them.

 RantWoman further ruminates:

We say we believe in continuing revelation, recreation of God in new memes to match neew times. Who are the John Woolmans of the day. Who are the abolitionists in danger of getting read out of Meeting? Who are we called to be? Who are we called to become?

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