Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Morning Gratitudes and self-care notes; yesterday's

Morning Gratitudes and Self Care.

Thank you God for the new laptop, all the new software, the irksome fact that Windows 8.1 plus RantWoman’s accessibility software plus several features of the laptop in question just are NOT playing well together. Thank you God that RantWoman is home with DSL instead of on the road and trying to get connecting to WiFI to the mix or feeling self-conscious about computer voices disturbing roommates when RantWoman kind of hates earphones. RantWoman nevertheless feels fully entitled to a technology themed meltdown and will try to get one scheduled promptly.


Thank you God for two Quaker gatherings in close succession. RantWoman almost skipped both of them on grounds of work obligations. RantWoman has been too psychically paralyzed to focus on work anyway and God decided RantWoman needed to put own oxygen mask on first. Thank you God that t0 and t1 and careful use of the blind copy function in the diection of someone RantWoman was pretty certain would be able to feed RantWoman back really helpful “I see” data without the “Go away” or “ meet our expectations and understandnings of the situation” baggage accompanying other “I see”’s.


Thank you God that the cat is so glad to see RantWoman that Kitty lid not seem to care that RantWoman half slept on her tail.


Thank you God for the container of zucchini stew in the freezer and the container of oatmeal prepared to RantWoman’s taste in the refrigerator.


Thank you God for the conversation, NOT at highway speeds about things the passengers both wish the driver would ASK FOR HELP about at highway speeds. Thank you God that both passengers were clear that not trying to have the needed conversation at highway speeds was a really good idea.


Thank you God that the driver received suggestions that someone’s Spidey sense of travel in the wrong direction. Thank you God that the driver fessed up that a drive out to the OR coast sounded more fun than the household transitionsa awaiting her at home. Thank you God that the driver  attended to RantWoman’s preference that those in car have a shared sense of what turns and road numbers would be needed and in what sequence. Thank you God that the driver pulled over and interacted with the GPS sufficiently that the designated navigator could actually navigate at highway speeds.

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