Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Baggage, social media #NPYM2014

The short takeaway: Mleah. If RantWoman could change the schedule of plenaries she would.
If there were a 12-step program for compulsive event planners (Stop me before I plan again!) RantWoman could arguably be encouraged to sign up. RantWoman DOES NOT think changing the schedule this year is feasible but does need to post the rest of this as part of overall communications / time management / be true to her Light and present with the firy fringes of her spiritual compost heap strategy.

1. RantWoman will use the tag NPYM 2014 on this blog for items specifically related to the upcoming Annual Session. If RantWoman posts other things here on the same timeframe, chances are the post might contain further tips about Planet RantWoman and invitation to others to interact about what works for them.

2. RantWoman suggests that people who Tweet / twitter /etc use the hashtag #NPYM2014. If someone has a different idea, bring it on and let's connect.

3. RantWoman will encourage the clerk to post a way for people who blog and do Twitter to connect and follow. If you do not already know RantWoman's real name and want to know her twitter handle, leave a comment and RantWoman will oblige.

4. RantWoman really likes using the time when people are gathered to do incremental work on projects that can be worked on between gatherings. RantWoman has been given ferociously clear Light about some topics where she would like oo do this but is challenged about connecting with people who might be so led. RantWoman will try to speak to topics in plenaries but will separately post thoughts already on her mind.

5. RantWoman will try to observe in blog posts a standard that also makes more manageable email:
 --Use clear subject lines / titles.
--One topic per posting.
--Change the subject line when the topic changes: if trying to weave together several topics consider whether to use links to separate blog posts.
--RantWoman wil try to communicate suggestions for Annual Session processes through regular Annual Session processes BUT may use the blog for some trial balloon ideas. If they interest you either positively or negatively,  PLEASE comment. If readers disagree and there are no comments, please find RantWoman before flying off the handle and demanding immediate action.
--Hurry up and get tis item posted before it violates even more of the above standards than it already does.

6. RantWoman is used to public participation processes where things get discussed and sometimes hashed out by emil  / in electronic fora BUT the process is part of refining what gets brought to a live public meeting where decisions get made. RantWoman thinks that is a VERY good standard for things Friends might want to talk about at Annual Session.

RantWoman is perusing documents and assembling baggage in preparation for the North PacificYearly Meeting Annual Session. RantWoman proposes to pack at least some of it in blog nibbles.

RantWoman  proposes to do this for a few different reasons:
--RantWoman HUMBLY appreciates the clerk and others asking her some questions about what helps RantWoman participate in meetings; RantWoman's sense of fairness and transparency suggests that the whole world be offered the opportunity to experience many of the same opinions as RantWoman is inflicting on the Clerk. This does NOT mean RantWoman MEANS to speak every opinion that might get stashed in her blog. Nor will RantWoman be mortally offended by hostile review (Post away: I moderate comments.) but since one of the documents RantWoman is reviewing is about communications, RantWoman is more than happy to wade in with all the pluses and minuses of this particular medium and this particular medium in this timeframe. (Stay tuned: will anyone make a #hashtag ?)

--RantWoman this year has THREE electronic devices on which she might display notes, documents: one Kindle, one Smartphone, and one brand stinking new lenovo laptop vexing RantWoman's immortal soul with Windows 8.1  plus her usual legal pad. RantWoman is actually kind of tremulous about a whole room full of people with their faces in their devices, even when the devices are accessibility aids. So RantWoman is unclear what she wishes God and the Clerk would require on this question.

The electronic devices are also fussy, irksom, variably accessible, not counting earphones which RantWoman hates and knows perfectly well she should wear for others' sanity.  MAYBE with all that technology RantWoman will be able to keep thoughts organized enough that they make it out of her mouth in forms comprehensible on the first pass to others. After all, as far as RantWoman knows, we don't do clarifying questions. That just is not done among Quakers.

--RantWoman has various agendas and seekings that RantWoman would prefer NOT get swallowed up in business meeting gone awry.

So, after a respectful period of silence,

RantWoman's first opinion:


RantWoman loves an opening evening of Meeting for Worship, especially an event run by people younger than she.

RantWoman has not managed to find enough of a link easily to form an opinion of the Friends in Residence. Whoever they are, RantWoman would, off the block, like to start a day with Friends in Residence and then have worship sharing and THEN after lunch wade into Meeting for Business.

The first day schedule of plenaries as currently listed:
 Structure Evaluation Committee
Friends in Residence
Worship sharing, except for those overtaken by Meeting for napping.
RantWoman knows the structure evaluation is important, but yuck! RantWoman would SO like to get us started off worshipfully with the Friends in Residence and worship sharing and THEN wade into Meeting for Business. RantWoman can live with  the possibility that she is the only person who thinks this but she would be thrilled if that were not the case. RantWoman recognizes that this also adds the after lunch Meeting for Napping element to Structure Evaluation RantWoman recognizes this and would leave it in God's hands.

Humbly offered... Please hold in Light


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