Friday, June 6, 2014

Faithfulness in Small Acts and big gulps.

By way of not interacting yet with an email about scheduling the next encounter of the band of earnest seekers wending our way through John Woolman's journal, the texts of the Pendle Hill speaker series on John Woolman, and sundry historical texts as the various book digesters in the group offer for our gatherings:

In the realm of the Woolman group, RantWoman is striving to:

--deeply appreciate some others' acts of faithfulness, especially when such acts of faithfulness occur in realms where RantWoman would be clueless, incompetent, and otherwise asea.

--TRY to be humble about what people can and really cannot vs will or willnot do.

--Be true to her own Light, er, Inner Blowtorch, while singeing those around her as little as possible.

RantWoman notes:

--All year, plus or minus, the length of this literary meandering in RantWoman's Meeting time, RantWoman has been going around saying some variant of "I want to hear from some journal where someone writes something like 'Oh, our Meeting had another visit from that tiresome scold John Woolman.' or 'I don't care how many travelling minutes he has. Maybe his home Meeting is glad just to have him out of their hair for awhile.' "

--RantWoman takes peculiar comfort during current moments of Quakerism The Telenovela in hwr own Meeting in the historical fact that lots of abolitionists got thrown out of their own Meetings. RantWoman also deeply esteems the parents of Weighty Friend who Recently Died because, among other things as Weighty Friend tells it, they caused consternation in their Meeting for selling their house in a way that made it possible for an African American family to buy it at a time when that just was not done.

--Any resemblance between the two points above and RantWoman's position in her own Meeting is purely conjecture.

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