Saturday, March 8, 2014

Seasoning with Annotations and a side of eldering.

RantWoman's Meeting is seasoning the first draft of its annual State of Society report. In humble appreciation of the opportunity to read the draft in advance of Meeting for Business, RantWoman is seasoning....

On RantWoman's mind are threads from these two blog posts.

Item 1:
RantWoman is unclear what if anything from this rant needs to make it into the State of society report. RantWoman particularly notes:

   --RantWoman made a simple information request: would SOMEONE please look it up and answer RantWoman's question. Is the word Oversight freighted with the same associations with enslavement as the word Overseers?

  --A concern about relying only on one overburdened person to answer the question when any number of other members of the newly renamed committee MIGHT conceivably also have been able to assist RantWoman

   --Oh crap. RantWoman already wrote in this post one aspect of her concern. Now RantWoman HAS to follow up with the other piece, part of RantWoman's give things up for Lent on behalf of other people thoughts. Oh crap. Hold in Light.

Item 2:
RantWoman needs to season desired improvements to the draft State of Society wording and the content of this blog post are not sufficient to articulate RantWoman's concern.

  --If RantWoman were clerking, she would need both to focus on what needs to make it into the state of Society report and ways to work with what else might come up.

   --If RantWoman were a complete bitch, ...

RantWoman was distracted from the above freight train though by need to elder over what the first time could be considered an honest mistake, one not unlike the one RantWoman actually also made in private conversation. Then the public mistake got repeated and corrected and repeated and corrected again.

Hold that issue in the Light.
The Lord is our Shepard. May we please be delivered of the right words and, if it is not way too much God as personal butler, at least some of it also out of others' mouths. Hold in Light....

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