Saturday, November 24, 2012

A mutually Verifiable Bilateral ... Sex Scandal?

What if make love not war really WERE a military strategy?
Warning: some may find what I am about to say utterly tasteless and insensitive. If you are feeling the least bit irony challenged or humor impaired PLEASE click away and save yourself the conniptions!

RantWoman began this post before a whole bunch of decidedly not funny warfare flared up in the Middle East and Central Africa. RantWoman is holding those flash points in the Light, the light of healing and clarity, not just the RantWoman Inner Blowtorch. Meanwhile back at the CIA....
RantWoman wants to THANK General Petraeus and General Allen for philandering. RantWoman is  not, Not, NOT speaking for their wives. RantWoman is simply expressing awe and wonderment
about how their sex scandals are gumming up military careers that she wishes to make a suggestion: could we please evaluate our options for whipping up good sex scandals to put our counterparts out of commission in say Afghanistan? After all, a good sex scandal kills a lot fewer civilians and has a lot less PR blowback than all those drone attacks inflaming the sensibilities of people the US keeps declaring our allies.
I mean, it IS the CIA. Can't they come up with SOMETHING?

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