Sunday, September 5, 2010

Q'uran burning fundraiser?

RantWoman was going about her usual business of being recreationally appalled on the bus home from Meeting when she was accosted by inspiration. What if that Q'uran burning at that church in FL were turned into a fundraiser for Islamic charities and religious tolerance?

RantWoman would absolutely prefer that no actual books get burned and RantWoman hopes that fire codes or hate crime statutes or some other measure might be invoked if even remotely applicable. However, if Q'urans do get burned, RantWoman is happy to pledge some amount per book burned and to contribute to some cause as described above.

RantWoman is having an attack of excessive candor, but RantWoman is going to go all Captain Picard on a suggestion. Identifying a channel and setting this up is beyond RantWoman's Light and capacity, but if someone else will "make it so," RantWoman will happily contribute.


Meanwhile, another link from the Fellowship of Reconciliation:

1 comment:

  1. RantWoman is filing this item because in additin to Pastor Terry Jones, it contains some rather stern elements topical to, um, er, RantWoman faltering and wobbling.
