Sunday, April 18, 2010

NPYM Annual Session Registration Opens

RantWoman has been thinking that, considering finances chief among other commitments and the long distance to RantWoman's beloved Montana, she maybe ought to forego NPYM Annual session this year. RantWoman is also feeling strongly led to go, like way is just going to have to open!

Tonight RantWoman realized perhaps the reason for this leading is because the Friend in Residence is Bridget Moix, who currently works with the Friends Committee on National Legislation , where she leads the Peaceful Prevention of Deadly Conflict program.

RantWoman has heard Bridget speak before and finds her seriously inspiring. Enough said! Register early for a discount! If you are an e-gizmo junkie and need the campus Wi-fi, don't forget to check about signing up in advance in the registration process.

PS RantWoman has not checked the registration materials for, say, an interest group about blogging, but would be happy to connect in "real space" with readers of her blog.

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