Monday, April 19, 2010

Maya Angelou has a palaver

RantWoman is still poking and shoving at recent experience of certain Quaker forms.

1. A clearness committee previously written of though numbers of frustrations have been spoken of inadequately if at all in blogdom. RantWoman became even clearer than she already was about certain points; others started out frayed and went nowhere good from there, and all of this BEFORE we look at process.

2. A request for a support committee for a certain blog originally begun with a general George Fox journaling all over the medium of the age devil-may-care excess. RantWoman continues to write; RantWoman is not counting the months since she reminded someone in person. RantWoman has no freaking clue what even to expect / request. Perhaps she should request a clearness committee just to help her figure out what she wants to ask for. Or perhaps there is more issue of capacity and who is able or even vaguely has a leading in certain directions.

Theological miasma aside, RantWoman is still meditating about matters of capacity and necessity and community accountability. RantWoman expects there to be more community discussions both because of still working something that came to Annual Session a few years ago and because of something fresh she scraped her eyeballs over tonight at her Meetinghouse related to anger and external issues at an upcoming gathering. RantWoman has decided to go all elder on the latter and just shut up and pray.

In the meantime, here is this piece about Maya Angelou with wonderful inquiry / seeking reporting about Maya Angelou's experience in Africa with a community palaver before divorcing her husband. RantWoman thinks that level of community could be amazing.

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