Thursday, September 28, 2023

Republicans Dysfunctionally trying to do debate

The comedy writers have settled their strike and YouTube promises RantWoman that several favorite voices will be Back On Monday.

In the meantime RantWoman has been ambivalently drawing comedic sustenance from the # GOPDebates wing of the #GOPClownShow. Warning. RantWoman's idea of comedic sustenance is both  snarky and sarcastic, and RantWoman herself does not believe every bad idea that wanders through her head.

This video is not the best example RantWoman has seen but RantWoman recommends the Dollemore Daily for various flavors of congenial invective. RantWoman has also courteously provided multiple links to other commentary and YouTube will generously provide other items.

LOTS of interesting comments but for cripes sake mike the room better

Christie's comment is just DUMB for any party claiming to be about family values. Pence's response was touching but didn't quite land as needed.
RantWoman agrees about a lot of the "didn't talk about" items
Why yes, WHERE IS THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY in the MAGA leadership states?
"wardens of the internet gulag"

No we should NOT cancel future debates and people need to be STRONG against #POTUS45
reports a polss (from where) that 80% of voters in IA and NH would consider someone else besides #DonaldDump

In further RantWoman commentary:

Teachers?!?!? Guys?!?!?
RantWoman has no clue which strands of #GOP #MAGA crazy Gov. Christie is trying to feed raw meat to, but whatever he might have been trying to say, possibly about school choice, just came out as ICK. Much as the world likes to rag on Mike Pence, RantWoman is glad to know he is happily married. RantWoman also has NO CLUE why the information would be helpful in the debate.

Vivek, you're just nuts and WRONG: no we should NOT revoke birthright citizenship for ANYONE, not even children of parents who came to the US illegally.

HOWEVER, if anyone wants to worry about immigration, RantWoman wonders whether someone would pull a Donald Trump on both Vivek and Nikki Haley: demand to see their birth certificates because how could there possibly be people of color running for p p p President.

And speaking of people of color. OMG. There are TWO people of color in the debate from South Carolina. Does that mean that racism is over OR that at least someone is embracing the point that the US is, whether people want or not, becoming majority non-white.

Nikki vs Vivek: 
Vivek comes off as a total tech-bro, with a bunch of dogmatic WRONG ideas that, RantWoman is pretty sure, will have ZERO appeal to younger people he is trying to reach. Nikki vs Vivek comes across a little bit as South Asian gender issues grudge match, but RantWoman is just fine with a woman of similar background coming after him with his attitudes.

North Dakota???
Good for the governor of North Dakota for even showing up. Better of course if RantWoman would figure out his name but big sparsely populated mineral rich states definitely need a voice.

RantWoman couldn't have stomached the whole debate and is not commenting on foreign policy or economy issues, but RantWoman is VERY happy to offer some questions she wishes SOMEONE would start to ask.

--Y'all are tiptoeing around about #DonaldDuck (RantWoman LOVES that name) but he over and over proposes activities that to put it mildly do not reflect Constitutional thinking. What can you say to reassure voters that you will actually strive to fulfill your oath of office?

--What can you say to primary voters swept up in The Former Guy's anti-constitutional nonsense to reassure then that we can all live together AND respect the Constitution?

--What would you do to address rates of child poverty up dramatically since the Child tax Credit went away?

--What would you do to address the appalling level of gun violence in the US?

--The federal minimum wage is stuck at the same level as in the 1990's. What would you do to ensure a living wage for everyone in the US?

--Go around: Suggest one question you think we should be asking and let's hear your answer and also your competitors.

There. RantWoman deeply hopes the next debate will have more substance, fewer theatrics, and maybe less need for boxing gloves.

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