Saturday, September 30, 2023

On the way to retirement, General Mark Milley excoriates the former Commander in Chief plus other related items.

RantWoman, you're a QUAKER. Why you gotta post all this stuff about military matters?

1. God in his / her wisdom, colossal sense of irony landed RantWoman in an interdisciplinary area studies MA program studying alongside what the military calls Foreign Area Officers.

2. As General Milley says below, the relation between the military and the rest of government is unique in the US and whether we are going to take care of our Constution or want to adjust certain provisions, we need to understand and respect that. In furtherance of this goal, RantWoman desparately wishes all states would add minimal standards of basic civics knowledge as conditions for running for public office.

3. RantWoman, after she finishes her own commentary will include a recent video from Jake Broe about Russia and Ukraine. The first 17 minutes or so are pretty usually reporting about Russia doing war very badly. This is followed by the Estonian prime minister talking about life under Soviet rule. This is followed by a clip of some elderly Russians who probably are no threat militarily but do want to reclaim Alaska and rescue it from fascism. Forgive RantWoman: if you're going to do it right, why stop at Alaska. RantWoman is cautious about throwing around the word fascism, but RantWoman can definitely think of some figures she would be happy to be liberated from. RantWoman is not sure the patriotic elderly Russians in the video would be the ones to do it though.

Now, let us start with General Mark Milley retiring, releasing a book that WILL go on RantWoman's mean to read list, and excoriating his former Commander in Chief on entirely reasonable grounds. 

Anyone remember early in the reign of now #P01135809 when somehow the President threatening North Korea with nuclear war did not violate Twitter's content guidelines? In that context, imagine if you are a foreign leader hearing all the internet chatter leading up to the #January6 insurrection. Part of peacemaking in that interval: General Milley picked up the phone and called his counterpart in China. Gen. Milley also explicitly and individualy checked that everyone immediately under him would resist illegal orders coming from the President. In other words, General Milley is one of the figures who absolutely did the right thing as #J6 unfolded and leading up to it.

Now please enjoy some videos.

Headline is the understatement of the year.

Sen. Tuberville (R AL) and confirmation
On a tangentially related note, RantWoman does not know whether to pray for an opportunity to offer Sen. Tommy Tuberville R, AL a piece of her mind to his face OR to pray that she is never offered the temptation.

First, a word of gratitude for the US Senate moving at least Gen. Brown's nomination to replace Gen. Milley as head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff past the hold that Sen. Tuberville has placed on military promotions in furtherance of his allegedly "prolife" tunnel vision.

RantWoman apologizes for not grabbing links to the clips but here are some low points recently from Sen. Tuberville.

Senator Tuberville probably rose to football coach greatness on the backs of predominatly players of color. This did not stop him in context of the military confirmation holds, from making one racist implication after another that African American troops just aren't as good as white ones and that frank Nazis are just patriotic Americans. Apparently Sen. Tuberville has not considered the degree to which people of color are overrepresented in the US all volunteer military.

In any case, RantWoman wants to express gratitude that Sen. Tuberville, who has never served in the military, got SOUNDLY spanked by Sen. Mark Kelly on behalf of several veterans, some who have seen combat about Tuberville's impact on readiness and the military's ability to do what asked.

Just to close out,

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