Friday, May 26, 2023

Oh no, not Dial a Tirade! Actually, SEVERAL tirades.

A raised bed / cart full of orange tulips and other spring joy
Threads of gratitude, continuity,
and querulousness come with this picture

(RantWoman composed this post a few days after the memorial for The Safest Sex offender on the Planet and now has let it sit. RantWoman is clear to post with the back date from when it was composed but there is a father's day resonance along with the tangle of other themes. Please do not tell RantWoman to get an editor. The need is self-evident; readers are advised just to be aware of what they are getting into. Also this post contains a reference to the word "ghoulish." That word will come back ) 

One of these days RantWoman PROMISES a tirade about how banishing RantWoman from EVERYTHING to do with a certain Monthly Meeting EXCEPT memorials is STILL just ghoulish. Also various other aspects of interaction with the subject of disability not only amount to treating RantWoman WORSE THAN A SEX OFFENDER and, since the banishment is, as RantWoman has experienced it, partly due to RantWoman's failure to kowtow to certain people who feel entitled to be Kowtowed to a really good way to make life MORE dangerous for any person with a disability who needs to speak up.

(RantWoman, why you gotta splatter this all over your blog? Why don't you call us all up individually and let us gaslight you and misinterpret the details of life on Planet RantWoman ..? Uhhh, perhaps you answered your own question... Plus, at this point RantWoman has just accepted the holy call from God that comes with daily need to traverse wormholes between Planet RantWoman and .... RantWoman owes it to herself AND to a lot of other people.)

(RantWoman, why this renewed backbone and adamant energy? The answer is a tag recently added to this blog but that is not getting attached to this post. RantWoman has a sense of "now what" about a recent program she participated in. RantWoman found the program extremely valuable. Now what? remains a question and RantWoman MAY actually manage to be cautious about branding. Maybe.)

(RantWoman, why can't you just let go and forgive? In some cases, RantWoman would like the whole planet to know what is being forgiven so NO ONE ELSE does it either. In other cases, why should RantWoman's forgiveness deprive others she cares about from the opportunity to learn how to Do Better Next Time? There's also that forgive 40x 40 times thing for anyone who reads the Bible. Oh, and make lemonade or at least lemon tea out of ...)

Anyway, RantWoman is SPEAKING for herself, has receipts, and is more than obstreperous enough to keep plugging away at DO BETTER NEXT TIME threads. RantWoman also needs help holding all the players in the circus in the Light.

All that said, this post is a more or less daily opportunity to thank the Safest sex Offender on the Planet for all of his voluntary (putting up with...) and forced ministry of collision with the subject of sex offenders. 

RantWoman has two, well, actually more than two centers of comments today.

First, via Twitter, Book banning

There are a number of valuable threads in the responses and the Quote tweets. Readers should read as many as you like.

Next, RantWoman wades around in the Twitter techno swamp. Currently in culture war land many people are losing their minds over "grooming." Grooming" in some people's minds is defined as anything other than abstinence only sex ed, Drag Queen Story Hours, banning books about sexuality, any responsible science-based discussion of gender dysphoria and transgender people. RantWoman's policy is partly just to observe the phenomenon. 

RantWoman also allows one of her Twitter handles to troll, as lovingly as possible, the illustrious Rep. Lauren Boebert, R CO-03 brief commentary about her husband. Twitterati are absolutely brutal and irritatingly uninformed. Lauren's now soon to be ex husband was arrested for flashing teenage girls in a bowling alley before they were married though not necessarily before they were romantically involved. 

The situation was addressed in court. RantWoman has not looked up answers to all the questions that come to mind. In her book, Lauren writes that he sought treatment for alcohol issues. Despite all the name-calling on Twitter, there are no subsequent reports of similar behavior. Nor is anything known one way or another, but RantWoman hopes that the Boeberts' 4 boys know that Dad's behavior is inappropriate. AND, as with matters involving the safest Sex Offender... as original offenses recede time, focus all the attention on one person when there are plenty of other people in the world who ALSO merit attention, wariness.

Here, for more steps in a conversation., a recent article from Friends Journal

RantWoman does not think it appropriate to comment about any one person's experience, except perhaps to wonder, what support would this Friend like from people around her?

Finally, a thought after  the memorial for the Safest Sex Offender on the Planet: one Friend expressed the thought that it might be interesting to have one cumulative account of different aspects of the whole story. RantWoman REALLY does not want to attempt group editing about such a thing. RantWoman thinks there are many stories, not only the core elements of Meeting's work, but also the walks of many different individuals.

Weirdly, RantWoman thinks it would be an interesting exercise to turn a group of psychology or social students loose, invite them to do an ethnography interviewing whoever is willing and then see what stories come back from that.

There. More than enough for one blog post.

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