Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Ladies and Germs

RantWoman wants to thank everyone who interacted with her invitation to come to an online graduation event for the Third Cohort of the AFB Blind Leadership Development Program. RantWoman asked for a formal agenda and got a Word document with the "run of show." 

RantWoman's initial reaction: "ugh. I thought the participants were going to be a bigger part of the presentation." Some of the presentation even made RantWoman grumpy. So RantWoman is really glad to know some of the entourage she invited found all that other talking very meaningful.

RantWoman is deeply amused: she herself got interrupted during both segments of the program where participants graduation videos played and literally no one RantWoman knows can tell RantWoman whether her own video was included. (Ugh. RantWoman should have checked before submitting. There are good technical reasons RantWoman expects better of herself.)

In any case, RantWoman thinks there will be a link to a video soon. Many other participants spoke eloquently to what the program meant to themselves and also RantWoman. RantWoman is either going to re-record her graduation video or just post the text as part of a series of reflections. 

In the meantime, RantWoman needs to talk about Ladies and Germs Guy, pronoun wars and what to say when RantWoman's brain does not need any help wandering down all sorts of mental rabbit holes from the outset of an event.

This BLDP cohort all gathered in person in Louisville KY in August. We got started working our way through a program called The Leadership Challenge. We got to know one another. RantWoman was the only one who mentioned pronouns and "non-binary" would have been a completely alien concept. RantWoman does not remember precisely where Ladies and Germs Guy is from. This is probably just as well. Over the program he proved himself insightful, outspoken and willing to take initiative. And in Louisville, almost every time he spoke he addressed the room as "Ladies and Germs."

RantWoman notes that none of the other guys in the room took offense at this out loud. RantWoman also decided to tend to matters with her fellow and others on her table team. Then everyone returned home, continued various strands of work. The first time Ladies and Germs Guy posted in our electronic classroom, he also opened with "Ladies and Germs." At this point, RantWoman posted something about not knowing whether any of the guys were offended but that RantWoman herself does not need any help about her mind wandering off all sorts of directions. 

Other people in the group emailed and thanked RantWoman. Ladies and Germs guy shifted to a less distracting greeting, for most of the program. But on graduation day he again addressed us as Ladies and Germs when posting a thank you.

At this point, RantWoman offered the following comments.

"Hi (Ladies and Germs Guy)

"You do you.

"People say that to me when they wonder about me persisting in some of my quirks. The interesting thing about 'germs,' in an age where I let one of my twitter feeds fill with pronoun wars, is that in this context it may or may not be gender specific.

"Anyway, thanks for the update about a work issue. I have so many situations where I basically get to build the next step on a ladder or across a bridge. Interesting that ChatGPT was helpful.

"(in response to another part of the comment) Lyft is definitely not the only tech co where layoffs are being done REALLY crudely with those who remain overworked and demoralized. 

"Meanwhile, I also wish I would stop hearing about Lyft drivers who try to get out of picking up passengers with guide dogs. The most recent case involved a federal appellate court judge in Washington DC. And we won't even talk about travelers with wheelchairs, walkers, strollers..

"Anyway, I hope we will all stay in touch and keep growing..." (English to Quakerese translation would perhaps mention continuing revelation."

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