Friday, October 1, 2021

Accessibility shouldn't require time travel...but when time travel happens anyway.... Disability Awareness Month Seasoned with Do Better Next Time

Quarterly Meeting gear:  exunberant beach towel, computer, Water bottles and uder the desk exerciser
Take me to your virtual
Quarterly Meeting.
Try, try, try to catch up on sleep

October is National Disabilities Awareness Month or National Disability Employment Awareness Month or several other national awareness months. RantWoman, thanks to some seasonal threads of time travel proposes to devote this year's National Disabilities Awareness Month posts to the theme DO BETTER NEXT TIME

RantWoman may or may not get around to looking up all the Awareness topics swirling around the month of October. But this spell of time travel reflections brought to you by the theme "Do Better Next Time" The theme was already swirling in the air when a random Zoom pairing made RantWoman gulp, tell the other party there are too many "Do better Next Time" themes to tackle one on one, go silent and then listen to a tale of talking to a cherry tomato plant, share meditations elicited by squashes. The cherry tomatoes and squashes get their own post. RantWoman is grateful things worked--even if she did send the voice of the cherry tomato plant a gentle "you missed my point" email about one thread in the conversation..

RantWoman invites readers to reflect on A WHOLE MONTH of DisabilityThemed entries from TEN years ago

Think if it like binge-watching, but don't feel you must read the whole month of entries at once..

What themes arise if you know the stories? 

What themes arise if you are new to the stories? 

Happy Disabilities Awareness Month EVERYONE

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