Friday, October 18, 2019

A fit of eldering and gratitudes.

RantWoman feels a fit of eldering and gratitudes coming on with respect to this week's ARE Friend presenter. While full-blown attention to equality might indicate months long cycles of testimony in Meeting for Business about Friend Presenter but from which Friend Presenter is excluded, RantWoman is going to strive to restrain herself. And this is RantWoman, attempting kindness despite uneven skill level in this area and possibly awkward timing. [Holy....! After these thoughts hit the screen, RantWoman was led to write a really long reflection. Please hold Adult Religious Education ijn the Light And stay tuned for what is bloggable from the flood which poured out.]

Two ghosts from Google
Luckily for all, RantWoman's Friday afternoon custom of messing around making tactile graphics has delivered....ghosts. They seem fitting somehow.. For Friends inexperienced in the world of tactile graphics, the task as RantWoman practices it: think of a theme. Find an image on Google that looks like it can easily be turned into an image that can be identified by feel. RatnWoman uses only about three functions of the tactile graphics software. Today RantWoman did not even feel like figuring out why the braille label was coming out  in contracted braille instead of Grade I uncontracted.
Two Ghosts turned into line drawings

RantWoman is humble about Friend presenter's preferences not to be called directly or emailed by RantWoman. Consider items below. How is that working out for you?

Is RantWoman supposed to thank Friend Presenter for, a couple years ago, hanging up on RantWoman before RantWoman could articulate some concerns about sound at a retreat? For RantWoman's trouble she spent the whole retreat grouchy about not being able to hear timid newcomer voices from across the room. Recently RantWoman learned that she also missed one speaker's terribly intriguing theme RantWoman would have been interested to explore further. Luckily? for Friend Presenter communications problems about sound system issues afflict more than one person and RantWoman is triving to be kind and not jump all over any single person. But if anyone WANTS to be jumped all over, RantWoman could probably oblige.

Thank you for being among a posse of elders who visited RantWoman off hours in her place of work and did not ask RantWoman a single thing about what goes on there.

Thank you truly for doing the best you could with a request for a document in accessible format. RantWoman forgot to request such in advance and the presenter bringing the document clearly does not think in realms electronic as well as RantWoman. But teamwork got RantWoman access to the content, an improvement over uneven responsiveness to requests in other fora for documents in alternate formats.

Thank you for the phrase "couple's counseling in a moment where the word "mediation" or the terminology free practice at the Boys and Girls club would have suited RantWoman's sense of terminological integrity better, and RantWoman could not care less if Friends consider this perspective overreacting. RantWoman honored a sense of Friend Presenter not wanting to be called ahead of the attempted mediation but RantWoman now definitely regrets that. Is that an example of treating RantWoman differently from everyone else? Is this just one of those times where RantWoman, a blind person with limited capacity to go research something herself, is just expected to put up with whatever....?  Is RantWoman being unrealistic in thinking, as long as you have been among Friends, have you never thought about other terminology?And thank you because even though in the moment RantWoman's brain melted down over the sloppy terminology, RantWoman has been sitting with one nugget that she really would like to try again about communicating.

Thank you also for the pizza message. The message and its aftermath offered interesting opportunities for data collection. May Friends please hold in the Light a wish that maybe there should be different data to collect?

Speaking of collecting data, RantWoman is collecting data about multiple instance of "don't want to talk to..." RantWoman counts some instances in her own spiritual compost heap, but we ain't none of us going to figure out this community thing if we cannot both talk and LISTEN.

PS thank you for the newsletter article about your lifestyle choices to fight climate change. RantWoman has different choices to make but definitely says .share your insights with your peers.

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