Wednesday, August 14, 2019

This week in blindness tourism

Currently playing on Planet RantWoman: Blindness Tourism, with a side of Quakerese, and giant spiritual striptease. RantWoman may explain in another post and an AWOL editor leaving lots of conceptual tangle which RantWoman may or may not at some point be called to edit further. RantWoman humbly acknowledges that this post is almost as cryptic as another blog RantWoman most frequently finds obnoxious but occasionally culls important Light from.


RantWoman and sleep have a singular dance right now. Saturday night RantWoman had no trouble writing and writing. RantWoman did not try to tightly edit and for once thought not to post. until it was almost 6 am. RantWoman still woke up before 8. RantWoman, somewhere between prayer and inertia seriously considered not going her regular paths; RantWoman made her usual bus.

Ministry of Moving Large Muscles and Banging Things.

RantWoman is glad she went, for idiosyncratic reasons. Especially when running on nowhere near enough sleep, it felt good have ministry of moving large muscles and banging things while setting up tables and chairs for light lunch.

Nasturtiums in Salad Friend was funny. She wanted RantWoman to have help from the community. RantWoman told Nasturtiums in Salad friend she definitely did not have to do the work; Perhaps RantWoman undersold the concepts of community and tending the many gardens at her (and RantMom’s) retirement community. Perhaps RantWoman should have told Nasturtiums in Salad Friend that she could supervise.

RantWoman did not really tell Nasturtiums in Salad Friend that the most useful "help" while RantWoman is moving furniture is for people just to stay out of her way unless they are large enough for the likes of RantWoman to see easily or to handle it if RantWoman plows into them. RantWoman did most of the work herself blessedly free of collision possibilities. RantWoman got help with a few tables but definitely delegated the cleanup furniture moving.

The Microwave

Heating up the new Clerk’s fried rice was easy. Tow Truck Guy mansplaining about plate from the Right Cupboard to counter and where to find the serving spoons was amusing, particularly since RantWoman has known where the serving spoons are for a LONG time since before... No one noticed what a random experience RantWoman and flat panel microwave controls can be. RantWoman pretty much just punches some random time and then find the Start button. The fried rice got eaten—and enjoyed. So did RantWoman’s brussels sprouts.

Da Tech stuff

RantWoman is learning a new browser, Chrome instead of Internet Explorer. (What’s a browser? RantWoman will explain.) RantWoman’s fingers need new muscle memories. RantWoman is also trying to learn more of the browser without touching her mouse. Say no more? Not even about screen readers? Or software accessibility or… RantWoman is humbled to find herself somewhat on the same technological footing as many tech novices even though RantWoman is speaking of different products.

In other Planet RantWoman news

RantWoman has been reading minutes, particularly a large section of 2019-06 minutes again in fine all RantWoman all the time devoted to RantWoman. These minutes involve the Recording Clerk’s grasp of a report that RantWoman contributed to. RantWoman would appreciate seeing a copy of the original report because the minutes do not reflect everything RantWoman said; RantWoman has no basis for knowing what actually got said and RantWoman is shortly going to repeat a point to the effect that relying on minutes is nowhere equal access to the content delivered in Meeting for Business.

RantWoman may even remark tightly about Meeting for Business not being in charge of God. It is of course the other way around to start with. RantWoman DOES NOT mean she has carte blanche to wreck all kinds of havoc, only that she is NOT called to go away and is seasoning how best to nurture the possibilities she sees.

WARNING: Extreme Sarcasm Alert!

RantWoman feels deep affection for the people she writes of here. RantWoman does not dispute that the interwebs are way to full of way to much scary harsh content from RantWoman. RantWoman is VERY sorry for hurting people, particularly when she cannot even tell she has done so. Here RantWoman definitely holds the Friends who evoke these comments in the Light and RantWoman hopes her readers understand the sarcasm as frustration, not something personal.

RantWoman thinks the report missed several important details. Why oh why didn’t the former clerk throw in “we were really baffled because RantWoman came to us trying to talk about easy ways to evaluate app accessibility, but we had no idea what she was talking about and we are glad she was led to ask how she came across. But still, please add our voice to the RantWoman should just stay away from Business Meeting” crowd. Did the bafflement just not register enough to comment?

Similarly, the Care and Accountability committee might have enhanced its contribution to these minutes by saying something like “Our eyes just glazed over when RantWoman tried to speak to us of accessible documents or why a Clerk might benefit from observing blind people in Meetings. RantWoman even spent a chunk of time on this topic in a committee meeting and our eyes glazed over so please add our names to…

But no. Nary a word about topics that are HUGE in RantWoman’s life! Can anyone imagine, in the face of such huge culture gaps alone, why RantWoman is just not going casually to sign onto whatever rattles out of others’ heads?


“…crazy stuff on blog…”

Fair enough to muse about people who are curt to RantWoman on phone, do not want to receive email, commit giant lapses of language in person and then wonder why RantWoman stashes her exasperation on her blog. RantWoman would love a sense of a different path and would not mind having enough confidence in … to see whether someone else could maybe help. In the meantime, readers who feel seen and do not like the view are invited to reconsider need to commit…

Go talk to your therapist

RantWoman, are you talking to… about…?
1.   RantWoman has the problem she knows other therapy clients have of the really important stuff spilling out five minutes before the end of the session.
2.   RantWoman really needs to see whether her therapist would find it worthwhile to get into the provider network that could help RantWoman pay more than the bottom of the sliding scale out of pocket.
3.   Besides money, RantWoman really cannot deal with too many therapy appointments and really needs the space between sessions to process the work.
4.   RantWoman IS actually talking to her therapist about the issues underlying… RantWoman has both sent at least one email to this point and grasped that possibly others get some of what is going on. Some of it.

That has to be enough, possibly more than enough for today.

In Light and faithfulness.


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