Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Now not just after some committee gets created

RantWoman’s Meeting is seasoning a minute to create an Ad-hoc Committee on Disabilities. Mid-email stream, here is RantWoman’s Light about various questions:


There are some long-standing OWWW’s and laboring with from RantWoman’s perspective.


The Draft minute proposes to see what can be done within a year with two reports to Business Meeting and discernment about possible ongoing work.


There are some Deal with It NOW issues that in RantWoman’s estimation need action without waiting around for the committee to get created.


RantWoman tartly notes a conversation with Young College Professor Friend about reasonable accommodations requests: handling such is part of her job description. Most of the ones she gets are routine and easy to fulfil. AND she does not seem as RantWoman observes to require “healing” when the requests come in. RantWoman is TRYING to be patient about the word “healing,” but RantWoman also seems to have a Live on Planet earth reflex about basic knowledge. Bless us oh Lord and help us all figure out how to live with…


Ahead of a retreat now scheduled for September: Accessible event planning including paths to request reasonable accommodations and expectation that needs for such can behandled without a requestor being hung up on and can be talked about on a finite timeline BEFORE the actual event. Please hold RantWoman’s fixations about these points in the Light. Suffice it to say the fixations are from past moments also freighted with bad communications. RantWoman wants to just uphold Room For Improvement and not keep beating the same long-dead horses. Okay, Rantwoman is TRYING.


Elements of Accessibility for Meeting for Business


                Can MfB handle it when honest factual questions come up?

                How does one lovingly elder elders who persist in, um, ….?


Goal: clear reflection of disability work and issues in minutes, Understanding of other accessibility aspects of minutes such as timeliness and email distribution.


Goal: Knowledge of and shared understanding Basic day to day accessibility such as chair configuration in the worship room and speaking publicly about such as well as willingness just to do small tasks as needed. Here RantWoman deeply blesses one Friend now past 80 who helped RantWoman gang the worship room chairs. Um, Friends, this is easy. One does not need to wait around until one is past 80 to learn….


Goal: Increased Knowledge and Shared Understanding of key terms including Reasonable Accommodation and Public Accommodation


Goal: Increase knowledge and Shared understanding of concepts of allyship, spiritual accompaniment and ways of walking the experience together.


Other outputs promised from draft minutes: glossary and resource list. How can RantWoman make this clearer?


In general RantWoman hopes this will be a community building exercise. But RantWoman had a mental hiccup: RantWoman wanted to do community building on a theme of Yucky Topics festival including disaster Preparedness. RantWoman had in mind shared info resources and the opportunity to do some kind of practical info exchange:” can I call you up if I am in your neighborhood when the Big One hits?” Instead rantWoman got emanation in Adult Religious Ed based on a Friend’s experience at work. It was not terrible but, sadly, attendance at ARE is sparse and …



RantWoman also hopes there will be space and comfort to tell personal or family stories. RantWoman is a big fan of narrative theology and RantWoman knows there are stories to hear. RantWoman thinks this should be a really important part of the Ad-Hoc Committee’s work. RantWoman also thinks creating the space for stories will be tender work.


RantWoman wants BUSINESS MEETING not just the same old list of people who go to the Business Meeting prep called Coordinating Committee to have a role in setting proiorities from the list in the draft minute.  RantWoman is into world domination and single standard of Truth. RantWoman hopes that the Ad-hoc committee work will enrich both the community and people’s lives outside Meeting. Other than that, RantWoman has only modest expectations..


In Light and Faithfulness.



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