Sunday, June 2, 2019


RantWoman is still crafting a post about "that was NOT RantWoman; it was the grace of GOD" about RantWoman and the most recent Meeting for Business. RantWoman has MUCH more to say, but first RantWoman is going to savor a number of thoughts.

1.       RantWoman spoke of the following news item last week during Joys and Concerns.


2.       After worship RantWoman WOULD have made many of the points below, except she was interrupted and interrupted in a way that was going to short-circuit her brain in a “Nothing Good is going to come out direction.


a.       "Oh my, YES, it IS possible to deal with people with disabilities behaviors IN actual meetings AS WELL AS ADA / Disability related content on a finite timeline with all kinds of Personalities and gnarly money and policy issues on the table to boot.


b.      My goodness Quaker say some of us believe in continuing revelation. How very nice that Quakers have been having meetings for over 350 years, but the world around us and expectations about things like technologies and practices to INCLUDE people with disabilities have evolved A LOT in that time. What might we all learn...?


c.       Maybe RantWoman gets to think, who cares what Quakers are doing or not doing in our own bubble? A whole lot of people SHOULD be able to expect better service and a better deal for taxpayers to boot! Then the words Title 2 ADA obligations crawl across RantWoman’s mind with respect to one Friend in the picture and RantWoman starts to think all kinds of thoughts about glorious opportunity to learn and single standard of Truth and… Readers, PLEASE hold these crawls in the Light.


3.       RantWoman wishes to thank both people who spoke to RantWoman recognizing this good news AND Interrupting Friend. RantWoman was pretty blunt in a phone call. Interrupting Friend assures RantWoman that a note of apology written in big marker is in the  snail mail, to the email address in the directory which RantWoman does not visit every day. Okay. RantWoman would not have objected in the least to email, and PUBLIC apology would never be objectionable either. More importantly, Interrupting Friend admitted to being vexed by technology AND reported successful peer support from another Friend. That is more than enough to save a different electronic immoderation thread for another post.


4.       RantWoman was not done though! Time for announcements that did not make it into the bulletin.


a.       The newly cleaned carpets look GREAT even to RantWoman.

b.      The worship room chairs got put back just fine except for two points:

                                                               i.      Aisles need to be 36” wide to allow space for wheelchair users to turn around

                                                             ii.      There are fire code reasons it is a good idea to gang / connect by the pre-installed hook mechanism, our chairs. It’s easy to do …

c.       Interrupting Friend again “it looks like they are ganged.” They are not. Do you want to ask rantWoman how she knows the chairs are not ganged? Hint it has to do with the 36” piece of minutia above, one of those small details which MANY people COULD learn and which RantWoman will continue to be faithful about regardless?


5.       RantWoman wishes to appreciate one Friend who perhaps was listening in Business Meeting when chair purchase was discussed: the fire code recommends chairs that can be ganged because rows of chairs are harder to tip over if people need to flee because of fire. Listening Friend (who has earned another Nom De Blog remembered about the fire issue. That left RantWoman also to bring up a riot control issue which RantWoman remembers, among other reasons, because of various event usher / event security / event staff gigs: chairs that are ganged are also harder to turn into missiles and to some extent easier to push out of the way than chairs that are not ganged. But back to the Quaker bubble? “Um riot control unlikely to be needed around Quakers?” RantWoman: please do not assume RantWoman is the only person in the room with at least peripheral contact with riot control issues. Start by translating “riot control” to nonviolent witness.

We will now resume interaction with other seasonal RantWoman interactions with the space time continuum, in a separate blog.


In Light and Faithfulness.




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