Saturday, July 15, 2017

How to celebrate a birthday

How to spend a birthday, options from Planet RantWoman

Birthday #0: the arrival. 11:00 am on a Saturday. RantDad had lunch at the home of one of RantWoman's honorary grandmothers. Honorary Grandmother was scandalized that RantDad ate green onions for lunch. RantMom and RantWoman were not distressed.

Birthday #18: traffic court, paying a fine for hitting a fence while driving a popsicle truck. It was the first day on the job. It was the first day RantWoman had ever driven a stick shift.RantWoman is still not sure what happened but the phrase popping the clutch came up. Amazingly RantWoman did not get fired. RantWoman paid a $30 fine with 3 rolls of popsicle quarters.

Birthday #21: court in New York City related to civil disobedience for protests connected with the Second UN Special Session on Disarmament. Also known as college students practice going limp so students at the police academy get to practice their body dragging homework. The charge was the sort of minor offense where if one shows up in court, the charge is likely to get adjourned and dismissed after 6 months if no further offenses occur; if one does not show up in court, worse things happen. RantWoman showed up in court. After court RantWoman and Blind Roommate went for Chinese food, roasted crab somewhere near the court.

It did not even occur to RantWoman later that summer to worry about the six-month interval. RantWoman and Blind roommate did stand on a street corner with a sign support for friends who staged a prolonged protest at the Israeli Consulate  The protest was about human rights violations in Palestinian refugee camps; partly as a result of the protest, the Israelie government lifted the blockade being protested. New York's finest were completely uninterested in the people standing on the street corner.

Birthday #34: partying at a Russian restaurant on a Friday night with Little sister one of her co-workers and , RantWoman thinks, the co-worker's mother. The food was good. The party was fun. And Rant dad died 3 days later.

More than one birthday at NPYM Annual Session. Enough said.

Birthday # 44: RantMom has hysterectomy to deal with endometrial cancer. Peculiar symbolism that.

Birthday #53: Mr. Nasturtiums In Salad Friend Decamps to other realms

This year:
--Family party in park near Little Sister's house on Bastille day because everyone is overbooked on actual Birthday. LOVELY party. A bunch of small sunflowers. Simple tasty menu. Irrepressible Nephew and Brother-in-law ate and then went fishing. RantMom and Little Sister presented birthday presents and demanded RantWoman try them on. SCORE.

--On actual birthday, a candidates' forum for mayor and city council primary races. Or TWO memorials, one for a neighbor with a seizure disorder who died very suddenly and one far away for....Quaker Honorary Auntie. Urk. RantWoman will share the sunflowers with neighbors in honor of the first one. The second one gets its own whole post, or probably more than one. Urk. Then RantWoman will go to support at a restaurant with friends and probably acknowledge some birthday emanations via facebook.

Happy Birthday to RantWoman.

And no, RantWoman did not give permission for this to occur, but Maryam Mirzakhani Dies of cancer at age 40

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