Saturday, July 29, 2017

For Fudge

RantWoman realizes that most people would consider it ungracious to give away one's birthday flowers almost as soon as one has dragged them home on the bus. Who asked "most people?"

This post is dedicated to "Fudge." Fudge's real name was posted with an announcement inviting RantWoman to spend her birthday at an in-person memorial instead of just attending Quaker Auntie's memorial by email. RantWoman passed up the invitation.

For Fudge and her family with blessings and prayers, a Neighbor

Fudge was a neighbor. She had a seizure disorder. She also liked beer. This was not a good combination. Fudge's school-age daughter lived with her mother. This reality was painful for Fudge but some of the time she was at peace with it.

Since RantWoman could not go to the memorial, RantWoman still only knows what the building grapevine provided about the circumstances of Fudge's death, at her mother's. That is more than enough to hold in the light a grandmother and her granddaughter.

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