Saturday, May 13, 2017

How Not to Laugh at Jeff Sessions

Some of RantWoman's strategies for TRYING to maintain Quakerly centeredness in the interwebs during the current regime:

Find a way to bring people together. On Twitter, RantWoman for better or worse maintains public lists of people she groups together. Some of RantWoman's lists are more clearly focused than others. That point is a problem for a different message. Here are RantWoman strategies for TRYING to find that of God in what comes through her Twitter feed:

Talk about cats. Once a week RantWoman posts some kind of picture of She Who Has Dominion Over RantWoman's Household, aka the Queen of Spades. People whose first Twitter encounter with RantWoman is about cats go into the Cats list. The Cats list includes people with LOTS of different other affiliations and interests.

Quakers get their own list, but everyone else that vaguely mentions religion in their first encounter goes in the same list. So far, despite HUGE diversity in perspectives no explosions have occurred.

Don't engage Trumpoids and trolls. Just pray for them. Too many #alternativefacts and a certain tone automatically get people sent to the I pray for you list.

Find a way to laugh. RantWoman regularly finds balm in the work of comedians. RantWoman does not find every comedic emanation entirely congenial. RantWoman even concedes room for "That's NOT Funny" dialogues. Still RantWoman finds much to appreciate.

Consider this item for instance.

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