Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Roots of Contemplation Roots of Action

RantWoman expects that posting this in her blog is likely to be redundant; considerable numbers of blog readers are probably already on a mailing list to receive this without the peculiarities of RantWoman reformatting.

RantWoman thinks this sounds terribly interesting: she also thinks the cost is giving her vertigo. However, RantWoman trusts deeply that either the retreat will fill with people ahead of RantWoman and able to pay or RantWoman will be led to work harder at attending:

Roots of Contemplation, Roots of Action: A Quaker Study Retreat
Friday, March 4th 5:00p.m. — Sunday, March 6th, 4p.m.
Shalom Prayer Center, Mt. Angel, Oregon

An Invitation: Find complete details on the web:

Take a deep breath and imagine quiet time apart from full or fractured days. Leave routines and bustle behind to root in one place, for one purpose, for an entire weekend. Nourish your deep connection to God in the peaceful, supportive setting of Shalom Prayer Center, in Mt. Angel, Oregon, 35 miles south of Portland.

Prepare to live more fully into your gifts, leadings and ministry.

Grow in faithfulness as you integrate inward and outward life in the Spirit, learning to be a well-rounded follower of Jesus. Strengthen your understanding of early Quaker witness to contemplation and action.

Spread deep, strong roots for courageous obedience to the Spirit. Stretch to "hear where the words come from" (John Woolman) with others from diverse Quaker worshiping communities.

We will take an experiential approach to spiritual growth through assigned readings and prayerful reflection in community. The program is inspired by and offered in dialogue with the School of the Spirit Ministry. We welcome Evangelical and Unprogrammed Quakers from the Northwest: members, attenders and others who feel aligned with this work.

Fees for the weekend: $345, if paid in full by February 15th; $370 for partial payments or registration after Feb. 15th; includes two nights’ lodging in a private room, all meals, meeting space, and associated administrative/staff costs. We do not offer day-only participation.
Registration Deadline: Friday, February 25th

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