Monday, May 30, 2022

Registration now open for NPYM Annual Session, link with detour to Planet RantWoman

Warning: unQuakerly language may occur. RantWoman is confident God can handle it. RantWoman invites readers disquieted by what language comes to comment but readers may instead want to consult their understanding of Spirit and consider other options for dialogue.

For readers who are not down for another wacky excursion to Planet RantWoman, RantWoman generously a shortcut bypassing RantWoman's reflections NPYM Annual Session Webpage 

RantWoman reads from the email announcing the opening of registration for the 2022 NPYM Annual Session:

Registration is now open for North Pacific Yearly Meeting’s 2022 Annual Session.


The theme for this year is Deep Hope in Optimystical Times and our Friend in Residence is Carl Magruder, palliative care chaplain and “cradle Quaker” from Pacific Yearly Meeting.  This is a time when we need to hear about “deep hope,” to be reminded that the Spirit is present and at work among us, and that we can listen for what we are called to do.  “What does it mean to live in a multifaith, multiethnic, multicultural society? It means celebrating difference, engaging radical inclusivity, and a continued dedication to Truth-seeking. Hate, bigotry, fear, xenophobia, and nationalism have no place in the beloved community.”

We will be doing that work when we consider several minutes brought to us from different meetings and seasoned throughout the yearly meeting and by quarterly meetings.  


Carl Magruder recommends that we prepare for Annual Session 2022 by reading Thomas Kelly's A Testament of Devotion, 1941.  Copies are on the shelves at many meetings and in many Friends homes, and used copies are available so we should be able to borrow or acquire a copy without difficulty and expense.

"Optimystical time?" WTF is that? 

RantWoman, just get registered. Try to trust in that continuing revelation you are always talking about.

"...we can listen for what we are called to do.  ..."

RantWoman, I am pretty sure God would not call you to do  THAT (fill in the blank).

Please FriendS, let us listen further. RantWoman does not MEAN to make people's heads explode. Weill okay, RantWoman MIGHT enjoy a little too much. The point is RantWoman cannot apologize for needs she cannot help, needs that are the same at work--where SOME Friends might have opportunities to learn points useful for living in a single standard of Truth, in faith community, while trying to have fun.


What do we mean? Do we maybe need some vocabulary lessons here???? 

Ableism anybody? Ableism? Is "multicultural" supposed to cover it? 

Hate, bigotry, fear, xenophobia, and nationalism have no place in the beloved community.

Again, Ableism anybody?

And what happened to looking for that of God in everyone? RantWoman is called to ask for one thing while her inner blowtorch chews on a great moment from awhile ago when a young Friend presumed to tell RantWoman she shouldn't be somewhere, got huffy when RantWoman suggested the young Friend consult with God about the issue and then disappeared from any an all forms of communication with RantWoman. 

Friend, WHAT are you afraid of? RantWoman asks partly because RantWoman has heard comments from multiple directions such as "That Friend gets upset easily." To say the least, the road to "beloved community" is rocky.

But RantWoman, why you gotta put this stuff all over your blog? aren't there such a thing as clearness committees? Apparently not if people RantWoman asks for help either don't know the concept in the first place or wring their hands--FOR YEARS--claiming a clearness committee won't do any good. Or keep citing schedule conflicts. Or repeatedly define problems more narrowly than RantWoman has to. Or in general have LOTS of company about ...

RantWoman, you could just STAY HOME.

And miss all the FUN? Nope. Just add Quakerland to all the places RantWoman gets called, as a very educated white person, to say some version of "...and disability..." Besides, if everyone is lucky, RantWoman may be too busy during this summer to rattle everyone's cages because she will be otherwise consumed  bringing Quaker obstinacy, er centeredness(?), to a project that will ripple far beyond Quakerdom.

Next we get to the suggested reading: A Testament of Devotion by Thomas R. Kelly. Published in 1941 and now Out of print. 

Surely, it says right here, there are copies in Meeting libraries or homes? 

What if someone is new to Quakers and has no idea even who to ask?

Also, um, Out of print suggests paradoxically available only in print, through multiple used book channels if one wants to own a print version of their own. But, nope, no ebook. No Audio version. RantWoman has not checked every source of audio book she knows of but it definitely is not findable in the one RantWoman uses most often.

Don't Quakers believe in continuing revelation? Hasn't anyone written anything topical since then?

Cue Youtube

Mahalia Jackson: Give me that old time religion

The Heartland Singers: Give me that Old Time Religion

The Macedonia Youth Choir Gimme that Old Time Religion in 1987

The Plantation Singers: Gimme That Old Time Religion

Dolly Parton Give Me That Old Time Religion

Jim and Jesse and the Virginia Mountain Boys Give me that old time religion

John Cash et al Give Me That Old Time Religion

Pete Seeger: Give Me that Old Time Religion

RantWoman What are you trying to say here, like maybe find some way to read as asked? Isn't there someone who might read aloud to you? 

RantWoman is NOT ready to deal with that question.

RantWoman,  Just STOP. The playlist is getting repetitive. Don't you know when to quit? Doesn't this playlist belong more with your buddies the Blind Prayer Warriors? 

--The playlist is NOT repetitive. Listen carefully to the different versions. Extra credit if you recognize the Paul and Silas new Testament reference.

--RantWoman quits when God says to. Since RantWoman can't see people squirming and grimacing, it's prolly gonna take longer than you think it's 'sposeta. 

    Besides, RantWoman has been known to go all Testimony on Equality at odd moments. If one Friend gets to go on, as once happened during Meeting for Worship, about forgiveness, for 2.5+ minutes not counting the time before RantWoman started timing and never say a word about WHAT is to be forgiven or what is to be learned, RantWoman is not even going to apologize for claiming more than a different Friend's wish for 30-second soundbites.

--God is bountiful and usually delivers RantWoman words out loud around the Blind Prayer Warriors. RantWoman is pretty sure they can pray fervently around one large Protestant denomination and around a LOT. And RantWoman is not sure they would go for the Pete Seeger version. Hold that point in the Light.

RantWoman, we get your point about out of print means only in print but continuing revelation does bring search engines and an assortment of bite-sized excerpts.

Quotes on the Friend of Silence site

Friends Journal article 5-1-2011

Heavily documented piece on Emerging Scholars Network

Will these tidbits be sufficient?

Um, RantWoman will try to make the most of whatever bits others digest.  RantWoman has been to grad school and knows how to go on at length. Plus if some other nuggets make it into the Daily Bulletin or into worship sharing queries, that MAY be plenty of spiritual sustenance anyway.

But LOOK. Waggling the search engine just a little bit more yields

 PDF version available through a page called scribd

RantWoman, can you read this? Can you? Can you?

1. Scribd is an interesting looking services. Readers can get 14 days of free reading and downloads and then the services wants $11.99 PER MONTH. cancel anytime before the fees kick in. Word.

2. The actual download is an image file, two book pages per PDF page. The print is too light to be easily readable even if RantWoman invokes one of her blow things up, oops, screen enlargement tools. Text will not be  readable by a screen reader without further OCR and reformatting.

Stay tuned.

Ooh, Ooh. Ooh. Another PDF and one the screen reader even easily reads


The screen reader reads it. Now, as to all the other things that make it easy to navigate and easy to match up what one reads with what other read. Ummmm

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