Thursday, May 5, 2022

Leaks ...and Tulips.


A field of yellow, mauve and two-color tulips with a fence in the background
Tulips from
RantMom's tulip tour

RantWoman, WHY are you devoting glorious tulip images, shot by RantMom no less, to links about the #Scotus leak, Roe Vs Wade, and such?

Lawrence: Alito's DRAFT ruling quotes a man who believes in WITCHES

Stacey Abrams on GA's forced pregnancy law

Trevor Noah: It's always the butler

Stephen Colbert: GOP Cowards Afraid to celebrate

The Young Turks weigh in

Beau on the leak and the midterms

Joy Reid interviews Sen. Tammy Duckworth

Seth Myers on privacy and comity on the court

Lauren Boebert, R, CO-3, somewhere RantWoman has not been able to retrieve in the Twitterverse: "There go the midterms."

Today in #CivicsForLauren: what would be wrong with that?

Now, if the anti-choice people are really as pro-life as they claim how about:

--An end to abstinence only sex ed.

--Free birth control

--Paid maternity leave

--Living wages and a career path for childcare workers.

--Health insurance policies designed as if children really matter.

Everbody get your sorry asses out and VOTE, but don't stop there!

In other #SCOTUS news: RantWoman is thinking of Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Antonin Scalia forming a friendship over opera. RantWoman is wondering how a bunch of people, several with serious confirmation clouds over their heads are going to figure out working together.


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