Saturday, January 1, 2022

On arguing with Amanda Gorman

 RantWoman LOVES Amanda Gorman, the young poet laureate who brought a poem of hope and presence and energy to President Biden's inauguration. Readers can go find videos of Amanda reading her poem "The Hill We Climb" all over the place.

Much as RantWoman admires Amanda Gorman, RantWoman is also going to have an authentic RantWoman fit.

Text in photo:

"There is always Light if only we are brave enough to see it.

There is always Light if only we are brave enough to be it."

Can anyone gues which fit RantWoman is going to throw about each piece?

Never mind. RantWoman is going to save guessing.

1. Unless one is ready to go all metaphorical, and perhaps Biblical about "eyes to see and ears to hear," NO Amount of BRAVERY is going to make a literal physical difference about whether some people see light or not.

2. As for being brave enough to BE the Light, can anyone say exhausting, thankless, and sometimes not well-received.

But it's a fresh new year and if problems are NOT GOING AWAY let's just go for persistence to start with.

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